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(3rd Person)

Tom wasn't sure how long he had been down there. A few days? A week? He stopped keeping track of time.

He was in a dark room, and the floor was cement with dirt on it. There were no windows and only a single light hanging from the roof. The door was a big steak door, that you could only open from one side. He could try to open it from his side but it wouldn't work.

The first day Tom was here he was really confused. He didn't know what was going on and what was happening. The second day he was scared. He had seen the person once but observed them closely.

They were defiantly a girl, since they had a curvy more shorter stature. Plus there voice wasn't covered, only a bit muffled. He got a glimpse of their hair and it was blue, like a ocean blue. She wore a face mask, and black clothing including gloves.

When Tom woke up on the third day he noticed a table and chair were in the middle of the room under the light. There was also a toilet in one corner, and a sink. Tom hadn't talked yet.

The fourth day he started feeling sick, probably because he hadn't eaten anything. That's when he started screaming for food or to get out. Like usual the person never answered.

Now the fifth day was the day that changed it. The fifth day was the day Tom knew what who ever took him, it wasn't going to end well.

(First Person)

"Are you ready for the public to know?" The cop in front of me, asking me questions asked.

Harrison was beside me, hand on my shoulder. Harry and Sam stood a bit far back but I glanced at them since it was their brother, and I was just his girlfriend.

They both slowly nod and I look at the cop. "Yeah, please. Don't give any addresses out though, or personal numbers." I say quietly, clearing my throat.

The cop nods and smiles at me. "Thank you, Ms Stan. I'll let you know as soon as there's information." He says as I stand up, and he walks away.

We all walk silently to the car, and Harrison drives us back quietly to the apartment where Seb was. We walk in to see him on one of the chairs.

He whips his head around and looks straight at me. "Any News?" He asks.

I shake my head and sigh, sitting down on the couch. "No, but we agreed to let it go public. And Harry's been monitoring Toms Instagram and nothing yet." I sigh.

Seb shakes his head and looks forward. "I'm so sorry Jackson. This is all messed up, and I can't even imagine what's going on." He says.

I sigh and just keep my gaze forward. "Me neither. How long are you staying here for?" I ask.

"I have to be in Arizona for Comic Con on the thirteenth so I'm leaving tomorrow." Seb says and smiles slightly at me.

I nod slightly and notice Harrison hovering behind me, texting something on his phone. He reaches for the remote hats beside me and turns the TV on.

"They are releasing the information tomorrow. I'm just helping Niki with the missing persons thing." Harrison says quite upset.

Harry and Sam both shake there head and a tear goes down Sams cheek. "Mum and dad are going through a hard time and Paddy isn't taking this well. We should get going." Harry mumbles and him and Sam casually leave.

"You staying Harrison?" I ask and turn around to look at him. He gives me a simple nod and I turn back around.

He sits down on the other side of the couch and turns his phone off. Seb, Harrison and I just quietly watch TV for a bit before Seb orders some dinner for the three of us. We all ate quietly not really saying anything, until my head started to hurt.

"You Okay Jackson?" Harrison asked concerned, looking over at me with a funny look.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose before slowly nodding. "Yeah I just have a head ache." I mumble and place my plate of pizza down beside me. "I'll be okay."

I glance over at Seb who has an eyebrow raised at me but he doesn't say anything. He just turns his gaze back to the show we were watching.

Later that night Harrison left, but agreed that once Seb left he would come and stay here since I was low key freaked out to be here at night alone.

"So, how are you handling things?" Seb asked me as I walked into the kitchen to wash the plates.

I shrug and sigh, placing the plates and glasses in the water. "Okay I guess, considering the circumstance." I say.

Seb comes over to me and leans against the counter. "I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I have no words." Seb says and shakes his head. "I told Anthony what happened. And do you want to know what he said?"

"What?" I sort of grin, looking over at him.

"That whoever has Tom, is a little asshole." Seb starts to laugh and I join in on him.

"I haven't seen him in so long, Damn." I smile, shaking my head. "I haven't seen lots of the cast in forever."

"Don't worry Jackson. Sooner or later we can all hang out again, since the premier is in a few months." Seb says and smiles, but my smile fades.

"Yeah I guess." I frown and unplug the drain in the sink. "Some nights I stay up and think back to Civil War, Where Tom and I first met."

"I remember that day." Seb says and looks up. "I was with Anthony in his trailer, doing god knows what. Chris and Robert were on set and you were talking with Scarlett. Tom came on set and you two shook hands and introduced yourselfs, then Robert screamed something that pulled me from my trailer." Seb grins.

"OH SHIT THERE'RE IN LOVE!" I scream, Imitating Robert. "Yeah I remember." I laugh.

"Then I walk out to see you shaking your head and rolling your eyes as Tom walked off and Robert and Chris were laughing too hard to breathe." Seb says and we go and sit down on the couch.

"A few days later Anthony came and told me he was no good and that I shouldn't go for it, and I had no clue what he was talking about." I say.

"Then within the week Robert got you two together and you've been dating ever since." Seb smiles and I sigh.

"Yeah, almost three years." I trail off. "I miss the days on set. I miss it all."

"I know you do sis. So do I."

A/N: sorry for the long wait, I just started school again :/ R.I.P.

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