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"I KNOW WHERE TOM IS!" Harry screamed at the top of his lungs as he bathed into my apartment.

I turn my head from the couch, as I was hunched over crying as Seb say next to me. "What?" I say, confused and stuffed up.

"I know where Tom is. I know where he's being kept. I kept my location on and Sam got it. We know where he is." Harry says, still out of breath but smiling.

"What did you do though?" I ask, not letting go of hope but still doubt full.

"I led Harrison into a trap with him thinking he led me into a trap. I was trapped where Tom was kept but I was able to get out, and I kept my location on the entire time so Sam could see where I was from his phone." Harry says.

"I screen shotted it many times. I have it all hear." Sam smiles and holds up his phone.

I pause for a moment, and lean back on the couch for a minute. "Wait, so your saying that if we take this to the police, we get Tom back?" I say. "This would all be over?"

Sam and Harry look at each other and a smile goes across their face. "Yes! But we have to do it now because Harrison and Ross will know I've left." Harry says.

I jump up and Seb follows. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I say and grab my bag, pulling a coat on as well.

Seb, Harry, Sam, and I all pile into one car. Sam called his mom and dad to tell them what happened and what's going to happen while Harry drove a thousand miles per hour down the highways. I was quietly crying into Seb's shoulder as we drove. Not because I was happy that Tom was coming back, but I was happy that this was all over.

We arrive at the police station and all ran out of the car and to the front desk.

"W-we have information on the Tom Holland case." Sam says immediately out of breath.

The woman at the computer looks up slightly at Sam and raises an eyebrow. "What kind of information?"

"We know where he is." Sam says with a smile.

The woman now puts her attention to us. Her head is fully raised and she looks between the four of us. "How do you guys know this information?"

"I was there, and I had my location on. Trust me, we know where he is." Harry says in a convincing way.

"You guys may have a seat and the detectives will be with you shortly ."


"Oh my god oh my god." I say over and over again, standing behind yellow police tape, biting my fingers.

"It's okay Jackson. It's almost over." Seb says from behind me and I turn to him for a hug, and of course I start to cry.

"Seb, I'm scared." I say quietly and he just nods from above me.

"That's okay. You can be scared. It's almost over Jackson, it's almost over." Seb says quietly, with a shaky voice. I think he was crying too.

"I can't believe this." Someone says from beside me. I look over and step out of Sebs brace to see Harry and Sam next to me. "It's over. It's almost over." Harry says.

"It's been like what? Four months without seeing him. He's been gone for that long." Sam smiles. "I can't believe this."

"Neither can I." I say quietly, facing forward and putting a hand on my baby bump.

It was Harry, Sam, Seb and I, all standing in a line just outside the police tape. We were looking forward at the building Harry said that they were keeping Tom in.

"Guys, we got a visual. He's alive." I heard a radio go off from the van beside us.

My eyes go wide and watery and I cover my mouth with my hand. "Oh my god." I say quietly. I see someone walk out of the building and two cops were dragging them.

"Is that Harrison?" Harry asks, confused and squinting ahead.

"I-I think so?" Sam stutters, not knowing what to say.

"I'm going to kill him!" I shout, and step forward but Seb grabs my arm and pulls me back. "Let me go Seb!" I snarl.

"You can kill him later Jackson. First, they need to find Tom." Seb sighs and I could see the eye roll he gives me from the back of my head.

We all stand there again, quiet, staring ahead. Then someone else comes walking out with another cop. And it wasn't a girl.

"Is that?" Harry starts to say.

"Tom?" I shout, and the figure looks up. "TOM!" I scream again, a thousand tomes louder.

I duck under the tape and go running, and no one stops me. Tom stumbles a bit but walks fast towards me. I crash into him and he falls to the ground with me holding him. I hold him and he cried into my shoulder, and I cry to.

"Oh my god, don't scare me like that again." I whisper and laugh again.

"Don't worry, I won't." Tom smiles and looks up at me. He's changed so much but yet he's still the same Tom. "How's the baby?"

"The baby's fine." I grin and Tom places a hand of my stomach. "How are you feeling?"

"Don't worry about me for now. I'm just happy I'm out." Tom's voice cracks and he starts crying again.

"TOM! TOM!" Voices behind me scream and I know it's all of his brothers running towards us.

All three of them dove to the ground and engulf  Tom in a giant hug. All of them are crying and he kisses their forehead, and holds each of them.

"You don't wanna know how much we missed you." Harry's voice cracks but he doesn't care.

We were all just sitting there, in the middle of the road, hugging Tom. I was holding him in my arms as he cried and cried to each of us. I looked over to Seb who was still standing behind the yellow tape. I smile and wave him over, and I think he's secretly happy because he comes running over too and hugs us all. I think he finally feels accepted into this family.

We were all family again. We were all back together now. And for the first time since the new year, I'm happy again.

A/N: AAAAAA the ending is sooooo happy! I love it! It's not the end of the book tho :)

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