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"Your pregnancy is going along great Ms Stan. I'm glad you came in for an ultrasound. It's a good idea to check if there are any early developments." The Doctor smiles as she rubs the cold jelly on my stomach.

"Yeah, nothing else to do so why not." I sigh, and she turns the monitor on.

The doctor just smiles at me and she moves the thing over my slightly baby bumped stomach. I watch the screen and I could faintly see the little baby inside of me.

"I know this is a bit personal, but is the father involved or not?" She asks, not making eye contact with me.

"It's complicated..." I say slowly. "But I guess he would be involved."

"That's good." She smiles again and continues looking at the screen. A few minutes go bye and she smiles as she turns the screen off. "Your baby is doing just fine. You may come in if you feel sick, injured or feel like the baby is unwell. And you can book an appointment for halfway through the second trimester. Have a nice day."

She takes off her gloves and leaves the room. I tug my shirt back and stand up. I grab my bag and my shoes, and leave the doctors to drive back to the apartment. I open the door of the apartment and place all my stuff down before I notice stuff on the counter.

"Harrison, are you here?" I shout, looking around. There was no reply so I went to the counter.

There was a bunch of Spider-Man homecoming merchandise on the counter. Posters, photos, books, clothes, bobble heads you name it. It was all there. I see nothing out of the sort but I notice something on the fridge that wasn't there before.

I walk around the counter, into the kitchen to see an envelope on the fridge. I take the magnets off and pick it up when it falls on the floor. It's not like a normal envelope though, it's like one they yours to start x-rays and stuff.

I started getting a funny feeling in my stomach so I placed the envelope down and pulled my phone out, dialling Sams number.

"Hey Jackson how was the appointment? Is everything okay?" Sam answers cheerfully like nothing was wrong.

"Hey, Yeah the appointment is fine. Can you come over?" I asked with a shaky voice, biting my lip.

I think Sam got the change in emotions when he said "yeah I'm coming." And hung up the phone.

I pace back and forth in the living room, the envelope in my hand. I cried for a moment thinking Tom was really hurt and injured. The door juggled a bit and then it opened. Sam came bursting in and was at my side.

"Is everything okay?" He asks as soon as he sees me.

I nod, then shake my head. Tears stream down my cheeks and I wipe them down. "I think someone broke in." I mutter. "They left all that on the counter and then this envelope on the fridge." I say and show Sam what happened.

"Have you opened it yet?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"I was going to but then I got worried, so I called you." I say more calmly. I go over to sit on the couch and Sam follows.

With shaking hands, I slowly open the envelope and pull out everything inside. There were photos and papers. I take the photos and Sam reads the papers.

"Oh my god." I gasp and cover my mouth. The photos were of Tom, prior and after the kidnaping.

The ones prior were like stalker photos and they had markings on it. Like lines and circles. Then the ones after the kidnaping were of Tom sleeping and him in pain.

"Jackson...do you have ideas on what these could mean?" Sam asks me after reading the letters.

He hands them to me and I start to read them;

I never thought they would make a Spider-Man after Garfield. Let alone connect it to the MCU.
But I'm happy that I have my very own Spider-Man.

Spider-Man is getting lonely now. He might need a Ned, or MJ, even a Flash.
But what about a Gwen?
We all know what happens to Gwen.

I can't find a perfect Ned, Nor Flash. But I'm getting some ideas for an MJ.
But there's a beautiful Gwen I have an eye on.
Who's the lucky girl?

"Sam, this person is, a fricken psychopath!" I shout. "It's like they want real life dolls to play with."

Sam shutters and pulls it his phone. "Harry, you need to get Haz and get over here now. I don't care what your doing, you need to get here now!" Sam says and hangs up.

"They said they have an idea for someone to be MJ, but they know who Gwen is?" I say confused.

"I don't think we need to warn Zendaya or any of the cast because they are looking for a Mary Jane." Sam shakes his head. "But in the comics...Gwen dies."

I bite my lip and look away. "She dies of a broken neck."

(Toms POV)

"Good morning." The door creeks opens and the same hooded figure walks in, holding a tray of food.

I yawn and stand up from sleeping on the floor. I brush myself off and sit down at the table with two chairs, in front of the person who's keeping me here.

"We have eggs, toast and some beans." The person says, pushing the tray towards me. "Enjoy."

I let out a sigh and start to eat. The first few times they brought me food I was hesitant because I didn't know what was in it. But I got so hungry that I started eating it and I guess it wasn't so bad.

They don't torture me physically, to a point. But mentally they do. If I make one wrong move, they lock me in another room and make me think they will kill Jackson.

They take photos of her on the streets, in stores, even one from the bedroom. They keep making me think that she will be next and they would hurt her.

I'm going crazy in here.

"We are going to play a little game today, Tom." The person says once I finish eating. "And I hope you play because, I would hate for you to not." They pull out a taser and I gulp.

"W-what kind of game?" I ask with a quiet, shaky voice.

They person stands up and slowly walks behind me. They brush up right against the back of me and move their hand up my chest. They come close to me, and nibble on my ear.

"You'll see." They whisper

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