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"Jackson, are you home?" Someone shouted from the front door. I was laying on my bed reading a book when I heard them come in. "Jackson?"

The second time I heard their name I knew who it was. I jumped off the bed and went sprinting into the other room.

"Seb!" I shout and run up to him, and he embraces me with a hug. "Did one of the twins drop you off?" I ask, taking a step back.

"Yeah Harry did." Seb says and places his bags down. "How's the little baby doing." Seb makes a funny face and looks down at my slightly popped out stomach.

"They are doing great. They like noodles though, lots and lots of noodles." I smile and look down. Seb heads over to the couches and I walk over to the kitchen. "Do you want anything to eat?" I ask.

"Sure. Besides noodles what do you have?" Seb asks and I roll my eyes at him.

"We can order pizza." I shrug, not really in the mood to make or cook something at the moment.

"Fine by me. You know what I like." Seb says and pulls his phone out, scrolling down it.

I pull out my phone about to order when I see a call pop up from Harrison. I sigh and answer it. "I was about to order food Harrison, this better be important."

"I was gonna see if your fine with me dropping by for the evening." Harrison says from the other line.

"Only if you can pick up the pizza." I laugh and I glance at Seb.

"Deal. The usual place right?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm just about to order. So I'm guessing twenty minutes then you can pick it up." I shrug, and then hang up the phone. I order the pizza then walk over to Seb and sit down on the other side of the couch. "How long are you here for?"

"As long as you need me here for." Seb smiles. "Or until Anthony has to drag me away for the press tour."

I laugh and nod, reaching for the remote. "Fair enough." I shrug.

I turn the TV on and place the remote back down beside me. Seb looks at me funny and I raise an eyebrow at him. "What?" I say.

"Oh nothing. I was just thinking. When was the last time you got one of those creepy blue things?" He asks.

I shrug, trying to remember the last time we did get one. "I'm not sure. A while to be honest, why?"

"I was just wondering." Seb says.

There's a moment of silence as we tune into the TV. We watch a show and then turn the news on just to be sure there wasn't anything new on Tom. But there was.

Breaking News; A local coffee shop called 911 due to gun shots down the street. A police team was sent to the area and found an abandoned basement. There was evidence of someone being kept there for a period of no more than two months. Police and forensics are still analyzing the traces they found there. More will be released shortly.

As soon as the person on the TV stopped talking my phone started ringing. Without even seeing who it was I answered. "Hello?"

"You just saw the news, right?" It was Sam and he was panicking. I could hear Harry yelling in the background.

"Yeah I did, but it didn't say any names. Do you think it was whoever took Tom?" I ask, glancing at Seb.

"It could be because they said no more than two months. But wouldn't they have called us first." Sam says from the other line.

"What if it is about Tom though? Should we call someone?" I ask getting really frantic and I knew this wasn't good for the baby. "Harrison's coming over in like five minutes, what do I tell him?"

"Nothing." Sam says almost instantly.

This confused me and I put my one hand on my hip. "But why? Harrison deserves to know." I say.

"I know he does. But he's dealing with a lot right now so I think it's better if we wait a bit. Let's not get him to worked up." Sam says more comply.

"Fine. I won't tell Haz." I sigh, hanging up the phone.

I though my phone on the couch and sit down, leaning against the cushions. "So we aren't telling Harrison when he comes then?" Seb asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

I shake my head and continue looking forward. "Sam said he's dealing with stuff so I won't tell him. I guess it's for the best." I shrug.

Then Harrison walks in with a smile on his face and two pizzas in his hand.

(Toms POV)

They never shot me. And they never even attempted to shoot me either. They just wanted to scare me but I guess that was the wrong move because I remember being drugged and transported to a different area.

"Damn it damn it damn it!" I hear muttering from across the new area.

It was like the old one but bigger and I think it was an old warehouse.

"What's wrong?" I ask in a voice that's pretty scratchy, from lack of water.

"The feds are on my case!" They scream very high pitched, banging their hands on the table. "This cant be good."

Oh thank god I think to myself. I just want to get out of here. This person is crazy and it gets worse every day and night I'm here. I just hope Jackson is doing okay.

The door opens and someone else walks in, someone i've never seen before. I observe from the corner where I was strapped down on a chair.

The person was tall, probably male considering how their shoulders looked. They looks sort of muscular too but not a lot. They had a mask and hood on too so I couldn't see much. But compared to the girl that he was standing next too, he was pretty big. But I bet if he was standing next to me, the only difference would be hight.

The man talked to the girl for about five minutes than ran out, so I never got to hear his voice. But I doubt that would help because everyone in London sounds the same when their voice is muffled by a mask.

"Tom, what's your favourite food?" The girl asks. Still facing away from me at the table she was at.

"Um, why?" I ask, wondering what this could be about.

"Because I have a special delivery for you." She turns around and shows me a box of food, that was in fact one of my favourites.

A/N: sorry for the crappy and slow updates. Ive been really busy. I have so much school work and band and it's all BLA! I hope I can update more later

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