3. The eyes of a periscope 🔭

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Just like Martin Luther King JR,

I had a dream

A dream far deeper than the ocean


and it wells up within me -

refusing to be ignored.

I see you humming and living like you

have no worries in life

but then I still worry,

I worry you can't see the sun as I see


I worry it seems you can't pursue

what you have in mind

for yourself

Because of your limitations

And I fear the many obstacles

secluding you

from where you ought to be 

After a while,

I'm brought to a state quite unfamiliar

to my kind

And I'm forced to see through your

eyes ,  the world as you see it

Now, I don't know whether to worry

for you or for myself
The many times I made up excuses,

Just to run away from pushing myself

and realizing,

The strengths in my weaknesses

There were times You watched me

complain about not having

what I ought to have or being where it

seems I ought to be at the time

While I was busy thinking about all of

My problems,  I'm forgetting you

are fighting your hardest no matter

how hard it gets

and doing the unimaginable with

your hands

Regardless of what seems like a "pity

state" far from that! , you prove me

wrong every time

The world is your canvas and you

paint them

whatever color you choose.

Your parts are guided by stringed

vibrations and

your eyes endless patterned


But you don't let that stop you and

here is a lesson for me to learn,

Instead of trying to make you see


the eyes of my periscope,
And just leaving you as once upon

a time kind of dream, where I saw

you smile so wide

and sincere it made my whole

world beam with joy,
Now, I'll thrive to make my dreams

come through

A dream where I see the world as you

see it,

be grateful for what I have and derive

happiness in the little things—

Also a dream where you are as happy

as a lark

and have all you need to keep you the

beautiful creature you are .

Too bad the world can't see through

the eyes of your periscope

maybe then they'll learn to have

some  peace.


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