21. Hey Mama 😫

37 9 4

Look up! ...

I need your help

I don't feel so good 👧🏽

Hey there princess

Hold on,

I will be right down👵🏼

Mama! 👧🏽

Come on!, OPEN THE DOOR😭

I just need your warm embrace

To feel you breathe down My neck

As you tell me everything will be fine,


Mama! It's too cold out here

Would you atleast give me something

to keep me warm? 👧🏽


(Behind closed doors)

                                 👵🏼Oh dear princess,

Only if you knew.

This one time just hold

on for a little bit longer

I know you're weary

But I can't come for you

I want to but my body

Fails me

Oh princess, hold on

If I rush out...

I'll drown us both

Dear Blackbird 👧🏽


Image gotten from unsplash by a

great photographer on Instagram :


Glad I found an image that suits this

piece just fine :)

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