6. ⏰ 01:33

100 16 16

1...2...3 shortly after

4 steps forward

And the...5th one

I'm down on the

Pavement, face flat

I thought it was

over this time 😥

Oh my, was I wrong!

I hadn't fallen for

so long this

Time I thought I had

it all figured out.

Apparently not,

it seems like an

endless battle

Against you my( mind)

and myself .

6...7...8 I should dust

myself up

And continue like

the fall never happened,

It kind of feels

so good to be off

the hard cold floor.

9...10... pause take a breath

Cause the circle

is about to come

around again,

But Hey! , Don't worry

Just remember 6...7...8

dust yourself back

up and you're all good.



Author's Note 🌜🌛

Ever failed at something before?

Regardless of how much work you

Put into it and felt like you were just

Getting no where

Sure it might be partly your fault but

You don't have to beat yourself up

About it, feed yourself with things


Inspire and encourage you to keep


Could be as little as taking a walk to

Clear your head or just looking

outside the walls of your room.

You'll be fine!😊

Keep trying

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