12. Mama..💌

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She didn't have much care in the


The simplest gifts of life made her feel

all warm on the inside

The drops of rain on her eyelids as

she danced around

just taking in all that the rain had to


The shivers, the queit ambience...

She can be 12, 21 or 64,

I think it all

depends really on her mood

when you meet her

Mama! She dances to the sound of


You say she is crazy but

Mama! You see -

She is just fine.

Once upon a time you see,

Mama never walked for it was too

great a task

To ask

She had legs but they were just

conditioned to stand still

Not by her maker though!

But bound

Bound by the voices in her head that

Shut her up everytime

She stood to speak😔

Yes you heard right Bound! ⛓

Take a look at yourself in the mirror


she would hear
(the voice screaming loud again to torment her)

What do you see?

A pain?, a disaster?, a failed project?

Great pieces of ugly nothings!

Why indeed are you here?


Every step she took , screamed pain

Every laughter leading you farther

and farther from the truth.

But you need to know

Mama! , You see once had a smile

capable to light up the whole universe,

But Noone told her about Appa

How much he loved her regardless of

Her flaws

How beautiful she was when she


And the fact that she didn't have to

look like what she had been

through but allow her scars to guide

her through life's terrain

She was hit hard!

And this time She didn't hear the

voice that encouraged her to Just fly


Mama left.



Author's Note🍒
Mama was inspired by the picture in the header,  I really don't know

where the thought came from but it just rushed in and I grabbed the nearest pen and a piece of paper .

I have a strong feeling that Mama shares the same thought pattern with some people.

Battling with yourself more than the voices around you, in reality the battle with your mind is always the hardest.

Mental health honestly can't be stressed enough because many people are losing their lives because of it and it really hurts.

If you're seeing this, then I challenge you to put a smile on someone's face everyday, trust me it's the little things

that matter, the hugs they never expect, just a smile but put as little as

a smile.😊

Question of the chaper 🐼:
what comes to your mind when you look at the picture in the header?

(#unleash the poet in you💪)

Muse: Xandelion Ps she is an awesome writer too so be sure to check out her page.

Thanks alot for letting me use your picture😊.

Special thanks to everyone who actually takes out time to read, comment or vote I really appreciate the support so far.🙌

*Hey feedbacks are also welcome how am I doing as a writer?, what you would like to see ?, anything I need to work on?*

Blackbird is out😪

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