[If there ever comes a day you don'tget to see my smiles
anymore or I can't put new smiles
on your face,
I just hope I was able to make you
smile even if it was for a while...
If I can't hear the beautiful
sounds of" you" when you laugh,
Then all I hope is that I was able to
somehow piece
one or two of your broken pieces
And left an unforgettable mark
somewhere in your
heart for you to remember me with...]
Haha😂 I write this and post it up on
my status, replies start flooding in to
my phone,
A: "Hey babe are you okay? [Me: Yeah
I'm fine why? ]
B: "Guy what's up with you though? ,
stop saying this kind of things
"[😞 what kind of things!]
C: "Stay strong b" [Yeah sure thing I'm
waxing strong as we speak]
But why is that the only cry that gets
your attention?
If I'm crying out that loud then it's too
late already to convince me *
It's never too late blah blah ... [Says
you but are you sure about that?]
For somethings, it's late enough
. . . Notice how she suddenly goesquiet when you're
all chattering away and the smile just
Notice how she blanks out and you,
have to tap her severally
just to get her attention
She scribbled something down on a
paper in math class,
You saw it,
You read it,
You shook your head
Your reaction was [She is so messed
up in the head, such an attention
whore 😡]
You never asked her about it
But you "CARED"
This weren't clear signs enough for
you? Or were you
so uninterested to even be bothered?
How didn't you notice when she
SHE claimed she was busy every time
you asked to talk
But busy with what and how You
could have been of help is what you
never asked.
Author's Note
This was based on a personalexperience that made me actually
think about what could happen or is
happening to people who are battling
with mental health and how it could
have all started.
It's not so much about the things she
told you or the excuses
She made up just to shut you up and
block you out.
Don't assume she is fine cause maybe
just maybe you will find out its not
okay with an extra effort.
Read between the lines and stay
Don't forget to tell me what you think
in the comment section and hit the
star /vote If you can relate with the
piece😉. Still a Writer in training 😊
Half Past 00:00
Puisi⏰It's 00:00 the night is fast asleep and anyone who dares speak is silenced but my mind refuses to be silenced, Dear little Blackbird speak less, ink more she tells me. Endless lines of my feelings flood my pages uninterrupted, it feels good...