2.) The Tauros Rampage.

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I Almost have nothing to do after finishing my journey and becoming champion. All I do is train day after day to just become stronger for the challengers that visit the league to come and beat me. Speaking of the league, I have to go there everyday just to battle some people that are probably gonna lose to me. Not trying to say their weak, but it's my way of me saying it's not much of a challenge. But luckily today, I had off because the glass on the ceiling broke. When I got up, I turned on the TV to watch the news. The first thing I saw was a bunch of tauros running. It was trouble on melemele. And it was in Hau'oli city. So I ran over there. And there was someone I didn't expect... Gladion. What are you doing here!? You should be at Aether Paradise being safe! Yeah, but I was wondering if you were alright! I blushed a teeny bit. Yeah I'm fine just got here I said. But enough talking. Go Komala! I shouted. Use Sweet Scent! I shouted remembering when I used the TM sweet scent on her.
The Tauros were almost going to run over me when komala used sweet scent. I covered my eyes. Then I felt something pick me up and sat me down on a bench. It was Gladion. You alright? He said. I blushed but he didn't see me. Y-yeah I say. Ok he says. The tauros calm down after that. Then they go back to their habitat.

Gladion's POV

I get to the Tauros rampage then I see Moon. I blush a little. (I Don't Know why I like her. Is it how she is? Her personality? The way she looks? Is it just that she's cute? Well I think she's cute and beautiful the way she is... ugh. can't get distracted!) Gladion!? Moon shouts. I snap back to reality. What are you doing here!? She asked I couldn't help but say: "I was wondering if you were alright?! (Ugh! How stupid of me!) yeah! I'm alright! But enough talking! Go komala! She shouts. Use Sweet scent! *komala uses sweet scent* I look at where she's standing. She was in front of the Tauros ready to get runned over! MOON!!! I yelled. I get in there and get her into my arms. Then I set her down on a bench. She uncovers her eyes. I turn around to blush. But she doesn't see me blush. you alright? I ask. Y-yeah she says. Then the Tauros seen to calm down a bit. Then they go back to their habitat.

Moon's POV

Everyone cheered: "Moon! Moon! Moon! Moon!". I say an announcement: if it was not for Gladion, I wouldn't be alive. I say. Everyone turned to him. He blushed. And I blushed. Everyone awed us. Then everybody went home. I went home too. When I get home, I get a message from Professor Kukui saying that the league roof was fixed. I was a little sad but I had to defend my title as champion.

Sorry guys that I don't write a lot in these chapters!! 😬 But I'll be writing more chapters very soon!! 😌😊

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