8.) The Jealous One

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I'm sorry that I haven't been working on this story that much but I'll try my best to make this story interesting as possible and fun for you guys to read! ❤️😊 School has been making me busy but I'll try my best. Ok here's chapter 8! 😂❤️

??? POV

As I was walking into Po town, I hear side conversations by the grunts about Gladion flirting with Moon. (Everyone should know that Gladion is mine and no one else. He's mine for me to desire and keep of my own. That Moon girl is going to pay for stealing Gladion from me!) I walk out of Po town to look for Moon.

Moon's POV

I was out on a little walk with Komala until I hear a voice. Hey wanna battle? It was Gladion. I'm not taking no for an answer. Sure I'm pretty bored. I said.

Time passes ~

That was a pretty good battle. He says putting Sivally back into the poke ball. Of course you won. After all you are the champion. He says. Yeah. I say. Well I better get going. There is a load of trainers waiting to battle me. Ok bye. Bye. I say as we go our separate ways. Once I was done at the league, I went shopping. Then I was in the middle of training. While I was training, I saw a figure standing in the distance. Stay away from Gladion. He's mine and he will always be mine. Stay away from him or else. They say. They walk towards me, wanting to battle.

Cliffhanger! Lol you'll find out who that person is in the next chapter and I'm sorry that I didn't write much because I didn't have that much ideas for this chapter but the next one will be long! Ok see you guys next chapter! ❤️😂💓🤟🏻🔥💪🏻✨

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