7.) (Valentines Special 2!)

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Just to let you guys know, that the specials I make will have nothing to do with the main story so yeah! 😄 also imma try and finish this special to add something in the main story to spice things up a bit. Ok I'm done 😂

Gladion's POV

Every step I take closer to the house, the faster my heart beats. Then I finally get to the house. I take a deep breath in and knock on the door.

Moon's POV

I hear a knock on the door. (Omg he's here!!) I opened the door. There was Gladion. Absolutely handsome. (Did I spell that right? Whatever) I couldn't do anything but stare. I let him in. "You look absolutely stunning". He says. I get a tint of red on my cheeks. Thank you. You too. I say. Hey, I have a gift for you. He opens a pure white box and in there was a Moon necklace. For you. He said. Here let me help you put it on. I fitted perfectly. Thank you. But I feel bad for not getting you a gift. Don't worry about me. He says calmly. He then walk to the ferry on the island and head towards Akala island. We go to Mallows restaurant. Hi there! How can I help you? Mallow said. Oh! Young love! We'll just take a booth. Gladion says. So we sat in a booth and talked for a bit until our food came. Enjoy! Mallow says walking away. So we ate our food until we heard a loud. Thump. Oww! A fimiliar voice says. Great job Hau. Says a female voice. Who's there? I say. Lillie and Hau came out from their hiding place. Why are you guys spying on us? This is a private date! Only Moon and me! Said Gladion. He then stormed off to outside. Wait Gladion! I shout. Looking at Lillie and Hau, I could see that they felt guilty for disturbing us. I walk outside to see him looking at the night sky and the stars. Hey come back inside, they want to apologize. No, this was only supposed to be you and me. He says. We can go on another one another day. I say. Fine. He Mumbles. We are so sorry! Says Lillie. Yeah we really are. Says Hau. I just wanted to see my big brother and my best friend together! Says Lillie. It's ok unless you guys do one thing. What is it? They ask. I whisper into Gladion's ear. He nods. We are going to turn the tables around! You and Hau go on a date! I say. They look at each other in shock. We laugh.

Well? What do you guys think? I know it's short but it's the least I can do. I might post another chapter on Friday or Saturday. But yeah! See you guys in the next chapter!! 😂💪🏻😃✨💖

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