6.) (Early Valentines Day Special!) ❤️

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AYYYYYYYEEE!!!! We reached 100 views!!! Ok let's keep on going! Let's try and reach 500 views!! And thanks for reading my story! I didn't think that I would get past 100 views. And your reward is a early Valentine's Day special!!! Ok I'm done now here's your Valentine's Day special!! Enjoy! (P.S this was after  Lillie's trip to kanto with gladion and Lusamine btw if ur confused 😂)

Moon's POV

It was Valentine's Day. I wasn't really dating someone but I wish I was dating him (obviously Gladion) but I wasn't really sure if he likes me back. I wish he did though... DING! I received a text message from Gladion. My heart was pounding when I opened the text. It said: "hey can you meet me at mallows restaurant at 5 pm? I'll pick you up". I replied sure. Obviously I would go but this time I felt butterflies in my stomach. Was it because I'm nervous or maybe he'll ask me out? I texted Lillie about it and 3 minutes later she came straight through my door. "omg Moon! We have to get you ready!! My brother is going on a date!! With my bestie ahhh!!" Lillie fangirled. Ok ok calm down Lillie... she said to herself. We spent 2 hours getting clothes and doing my hair and makeup. Lillie didn't let me see how I looked because it was a surprise. Lillie let me look in the mirror after a while and I looked like another different person. Ok have fun on your date Moon! Shouted Lillie leaving the house. While waiting for Gladion, I felt nervous...

Gladion's POV

It was Valentine's Day and I wanted to ask her out so bad. But I don't know if she likes me back. I couldn't help it. So I grabbed my phone and said: "hey. Can you meet me at mallows restaurant at 5 pm? I'll pick you up". She replied and said sure. I couldn't believe that I was brave enough to do that. "Young Master Gladion?" I hear a voice. It was Wicke. Yes? "Young master Hau is here to get you ready for a date!" (How did he know!?) ok... I replied. How do you know me and Moon are going on a date? I asked. Oh I figured that you didn't ask her yet and we were gonna set you guys up but I guess you already asked her. He said. So we got me ready and picked out a present for Moon. I was a Moon necklace. It was beautiful just like her... ok have fun! Hau said going our separate ways. Ok bye. I say. I take a ferry to melemele and walk to moon's house. I feel my heart pounding like it was ready to explode into bits. As I get closer to the house, I get more nervous.

LMAO CLIFFHANGER 😂 but it won't be long for you to wait. Bc I might be doing the next part tm or the day after that! So yh 😂💪🏻⚡️This was a short chapter but I'll try and write more in the next one! See you guys next chapter 💯💪🏻❤️.

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