5.) Saying Our Goodbyes.

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I'll try and write more often bc it's the weekend so ya 😅 but I need to step up my game because im too lazy to write sometimes or I just have to much school work to do but yh here's chapter 5!!

Moon's POV

I was having a sleepover with Lillie at Aether Parodise (idk if I spelled that right lmao) until the door opened. It was Gladion. "Moon, Lillie, we need to talk." And he was with Lusamine. So we all went outside. "So what is it?" "Well, me, Lillie, and mom are going to Kanto to help get mom better. There's this guy that had the same problem as mom so we're gonna see him in kanto. Gladion said. "Oh! Over there in kanto is really nice! But when will you be back?" It depends on how long mom will have to stay there. He said. Oh so when will you be leaving? Probably next week. My eyes started to get watery. I gave Lillie a hug. "It's ok Moon. We will be back sooner or later." I'm just gonna miss you guys. I said. What will I do without you?? I felt another hug. It was Lusamine. And another hug from Gladion. "We will be back soon. Don't worry." So we went back inside and got into our sleeping bags and fell asleep.

Gladion's POV

"I think it's time you told Moon that your leaving." Mom said. "Yeah but I can't stand the thought of her being sad." The sooner you tell her, the less you will have to worry. Ok fine. I said. We went up to Lillie's room where Moon should be. My heart started to pound. "Moon, Lillie, we need to talk." I say. So we walk outside. So what is it? She asked. "Well me, Lillie, and mom are going to kanto to help get mom better. There's this guy in kanto that had the same problem as mom so we're going to kanto to see him. I said. Oh! Over there in kanto is really nice! But when will you be back? She asked. It depends on how long mom will have to stay there. And when will you be leaving? Probably next week. I look into her eyes. Was she gonna cry? Her eyes were watery. She ran towards Lillie to give her a hug. It's ok Moon. We will be back sooner or later. Lillie said. I'm just going to miss you guys. What will I do without you guys?? Mom then walked to Moon and gave her a hug. I couldn't see her cry and I felt so bad that I forced myself to give her a hug. I ok we will be back soon don't worry. So they went to Lillie's room and me and mom went to our rooms and fell asleep.

Moon's POV

A week later...

A week passed by and I go out to the ferry and wave goodbye to them. They wave back and I wait till the ferry is out of my distance. I walk back home and write in my diary. ( Today and yesterday was a rough day for me because I had to say goodbye to my bestfriends but I was crying more over gladion because he was the love of my life. Well basically!) I close my diary and head to the league to fight back some challengers.

Ok I'm done writing for today and fun fact: I wrote this chapter in 7 in the morning!!! Ok see you in the next chapter!! 😂👌🏻😆

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