11.) Yes Or No?

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Will it be yes or no? Well... keep on reading to find out! This is chapter 10 and it is the last chapter 😮.

Moon's POV

Will you... be my girlfriend?
I heard those faithful words leave Gladion's Mouth. I stood there in shock not knowing how to react. Was I happy or sad? Umm Moon? He questioned me. I hug him almost immediately. I hugged him so hard I was crying tears of joy. I felt wet spots on my dress which meant he was crying tears of joy as well. I let go of him and say... no. He stands there in shock. Just kidding! Yes! He brings back his smile. The one that makes my heart melt. I feel his lips crash into mine. And we have a passionate kiss. We let go for air. And we held hands when he walked me home.

Some Years Later~ (brought to you by Nebby's pews! 😂)

Moon's POV

I was looking through an old photo album until I saw an old picture of me, Gladion, Lillie, and Hau.

I was looking through an old photo album until I saw an old picture of me, Gladion, Lillie, and Hau

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I smile and call Gladion over he smiles and laughs. You know. I'd never think that I would meet such an amazing person as him. And To think it will be impossible to think he'd be all mine.

End of story!! Well idk if I should make another book and I know it's too much work but it was fun! Ok! See you guys in a next book! Bye 🙃☺️🤣😙

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