9.) Kidnapped

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Ok I'm very sorry that I haven't wrote the few days I had but imma try and make up for that and so here's chapter 9!

Moon's POV

The big sister of team skull was here. Plumeria. Her long pink and yellow ponytails stuck out while she walked towards me. Do you have a thing for Gladion? Plumeria said looking serious. Ummm... no? I said. Huh... battle me, for Gladion. She said. I don't have a thing for him but whatever. I lied. Go! Primarina! I shouted.

Time skip~

I won the battle. I said. Ugh I can't except defeat. She mumbles. Then. I feel her come behind me and gave me a shot which caused me to fall asleep for a while.

Gladion's POV

I was walking through Hau'oli City. And I heard a few team skull grunts having side conversations about Plumeria and Moon. Yo! I heard big sisters plan about kidnapping the champion and bringing her to Po Town because she thinks that the champion likes Gladion yo! And big sister like Gladion too yo! I was embarrassed about Moon liking me but I never suspected her liking me back either! And Plumeria liking me!? I was completely lost at this point but I hurried to where Moon was. I headed to the league but she wasn't there. I headed to Po Town to rescue Moon and to stop Plumeria.

Moon's POV

My gray eyes fluttered open. I was trapped on some kind of table. And I couldn't move. Hello? I said. Well well we'll. Look who's awake. Plumeria teases. Walking around the table I was trapped on. What do you need?? I asked. I know you and Gladion have a thing for each other. Just stay away from him and I'll let you go. She said. Or you'll stay on this table and get tortured by my golbat. She sneered. Also, you won't be able to move because I paralyzed you. She states. He's my rival so I have to still battle him and stuff. I say. Ok I had it. She says. Use venoshock golbat! She shouted. I closed my eyes to pretend the pain doesn't hurt me. But I didn't get hit by golbats move. I opened my eyes. And saw Silvally. Silvally! I said in glee. DONT YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON MOON! I hear a familiar male voice say. Gladion? I say. Don't worry it's going to be alright. He assures me. Hahaha! Seriously Gladion?! Why would you fall for a fool and a disgusting girl like her?! Plumeria shouted. She's anything but a fool and disgusting! He argues back. She's sweet, kind, and beautiful! He says. Just leave her for me! She says. I'll even battle to let Moon free! He says. Go Silvally!

Time Skip~

He wins the battle and all of her Pokémon fainted. Fine. She mumbles. She hands over the key to unlock the cuffs on my ankles and wrists. I'm sorry if she caused any trouble. He says. It's no problem at all. I said. I wish I could pay you back in some way. I say. I'll just text you when I figure it out. He says. Well, I better get going before it gets late. See you around. He says walking away. Okay see you soon! I say say waving at him. I call charizard to bring me back home to Melemele.

Gladion's POV

I headed back to my room at the motel and closed the door. I felt embarrassed because I said those things to her in Po Town. I thought I said that in my head but I actually said it out loud! I headed to bed because it was late.

Moon's POV

I was at home thinking of what happened today. I was flustered of what Gladion said in Po Town. Was what Gladion said Was true?

Ok that's all and I'm sorry if I haven't wrote in a few days but here's a new chapter for you! Ok see you guys next chapter! 😁😊❤️✨👌🏻💓💪🏻😚

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