Chapter three

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The next morning I woke up to Friday.

"Mis Stark, your father would like you downstairs," spoke Friday.

"Ugh Friday, why can't it just be friday already."

"I'm sorry Mis Stark you have a whole other day to go."

"Yeah I know." I sighed.

"But you get to see your new friends you told me about."

"I guess."

"Good, now get up and get ready for school."

"Geez Friday you are so demanding."

"Your father is to blame for that."

I chuckled and got out of my bed.

I got to school on time today. wearing some black skinny jeans a star wars t-shirt with a plaid button up over it and my combat boots.

I grabbed my skateboard right before I left the house this morning. Though I knew I would not really have a chance to go to any skatepark today.

I walked in to school and went straight to my locker, grabbing the books I needed for now. I closed my locker and looked around spotting Ned and Peter by Ned's locker looking at me.

I raised my eyebrows at them and started walking towards them. I hear them talking as I aprouch them.

"-just saw it thought it was cool and bought it. No way she knows." Ned said.

"No way who knows what?" I asked as I stopped in front of them.

"Oh...uh...ah-" Ned said trying to come up with something.

"Your shirt. Ned thinks that you don't get where it's from," said Peter.

"Han Solo says it in episode five The Empire Strikes Back to C3PO after he says that there is a million to one chance that they will make it. And it says star wars on the tag." I smiled and walked away to my first class with them following behind not saying a word.

At lunch I sat down with Peter and Ned finally giving them a chance to talk to me.

"So you're a Star Wars fan?" Ned asked for the umpteenth time.

"Yes," I said.

"Sweet! This is the best day of my life."

"Whoa calm down there buddy." I laughed.

"Wait, why don't we all watch Star Wars together after school?" Ned asked.

"Can't I got the Stark internship today," Peter said.

"And I plan on hitting up a skate-park. Maybe another time?" I shrugged.

"Ah yeah that's ok," Ned said laced with disappointment.

"Alexa!?" I heard someone say.

I picked up my head eyes wide knowing exactly who said my name, looking at my one-o'clock past Peter.

"Sam!" I said surprised that she was here.

"OMG it's really you. I haven't seen you in like forever," she said and sat down next to me.

"Oh please, it's only been like two years. What are you doing here I thought you moved with your dad to Germany, what could they not handle you?" I joked.

"Two long years without my love, I know. And yeah I did but I'm here as an exchange student."

"Oh well that's cool."

For the rest of lunch Peter and Ned didn't really say much. just me and Sam catching up and sometimes acting like a lesbian couple.

When I got out of school I got on my skateboard and rode it down the sidewalk until I saw Happy leaning on his black car. I got off my skateboard and walked towards him.

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