Chapter twelve

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“Dad! You can’t be serious,” I yelled at him.

It was Friday. I was in my room getting ready for school, when my dad came in to tell me some last-minute news.

“I am. I called them on Wednesday, and they seemed happy to have you join.”

“But why?”

“You have no extracurricular activities right now. The closest you have is training Parker, and no one even knows about that. You need this to seem like a normal kid. It is only on Tuesdays and Fridays, so maybe Parker could get a break for training every day. He is not used to training daily like you are, I'm sure he will appreciate the breaks.”

“Fine. But why did it have to be cheerleading?”

“They had an opening. And we both know you're good at it. Oh, and the coach had a familiar name.”

“You know the coach?”

“Not the school coach, the cheerleaders coach.” And with that he walked out of my room.


“So, it's Friday. You guys free after school?” Ned asked as he sat at the table Peter and I were already sitting at.

I felt bad for Ned. With Peter being Spider-man never really having time for him after school. And me being me, and him not knowing about who I really am. We can't hang out like normal teens.

“Sorry Ned, again I got my training after school.” Peter looked apologetic.

We needed to change something, Ned had been wanting to hangout after school for over a week. It was really getting unfair to him.

“Actually, I have cheerleading after school,” I said looking at Peter hoping he would get the memo.

“Yeah, yeah. I get it guys. Wait, when did you start cheerleading?” Ned asked me.

“Today? Or Wednesday? I didn't know until this morning, when my dad told me.”

“Wow. So you missed two days?” Ned asked.

“No, it's only on Tuesdays and Fridays. But my dad knows the coach, so he called on Wednesday and got me signed up without question.” I shrugged.

“So that means on Tuesdays and Fridays after school-?”

“Yes.” I cut Peter off before he could finish.

“Oh, ok. Got it,” Peter said.

“What about tomorrow guys? I don't have anything going on tomorrow, we could hang then.” I suggested after a moment.

“That sounds great! How ‘bout you Peter?” Ned said.

“Uh, yeah. I guess that works.” Peter agreed.

“We should invite MJ too,” Ned added.

“Where is she anyway?” I asked them.

“I saw her head into the library, on my way in here.” Ned replied.

“So, that's where she's been going when she's not here, ok,” I said.


It was now after school and I was heading to the gym for cheerleading.

Earlier walking to my class, I ran into Sam. Where she congratulated me on joining the cheerleaders and being her replacement.

She still seemed to think we were friends, even though I did not talk to her for three days. And now she thinks I joined the cheerleaders because of her, and not because my dad signed me up without asking me.

I walked into the gym, and saw some girls being thrown up in the air and twirling. I could hear them counting as they did every move.

Upon seeing me one of the girls came up to me. “Hi, I'm Niki. You must be Alexa. Come with me, let's get you an outfit.”

I followed her not saying anything, as she practically skipped over to the side of the gym.

“Here, these should fit you. There's a room just over there, that you can change in.” She pointed to a door not to far away, that looked like it led to a bathroom of sorts.

“Thanks,” I said, taking the clothes and started heading to go get charged into them.

I now regretted bringing my skateboard to school today. I had nowhere to put it that was safe, seeing as it was my older one that I did not like anyone touching.

But even more I regretted going through with this, the outfit that I had to wear barely covered anything. It was a short skirt that lucky had a pair of shorts on the inside, and a short sleeveless top. They were blue and yellow like the school colors, and had ‘MSST’ on the front of the top.

When I joined them again in the uniform, they were standing in a circle talking. Niki came up to me again, grinning.

“They fit you perfectly.” She beamed. “And dang gurl, you look amazing. Your body is to die for, the boys must be all over you.”

“Thanks, but they're really not. Most guys try to avoid me.” I laughed.

“It's probably just because you intimate them. Come on, meet the girls.” She said.

“Ain't that the truth,” I muttered to myself.

I followed Niki over to the other girls. But stopped to look, when I heard the gym doors open.

“Guess who's here!” a girl shouted as she entered the gym.

“Coach!” most of the girls screamed.

That was when I saw him, not too far behind the girl who had just came in. Never had I thought to see him here.


I'm so sorry this took so long for me to get out. I meant to have an update on Christmas but my life is a reck and I have not had anytime to write. I hope to have more time to write and get the next chapter up before the end of the month.

Any ideas for who the coach is?
If you get it right or close I'll dedicate the next chapter to you.

Love you guys xoxo♡

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