April fools

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I was training with Nat.

I heard a loud sound outside.

Next thing I knew the wall was blown in and a mixture of glass and cement hit me.

I was knocked to the ground.

Then I heard it.

Gun shots.

But not just any gun shots, it was an automatic.

Which ment that whoever they were they were shooting nonstop and trying to hit whatever or whoever was in sight.

I heard a screech of pain and then a groan.

Nat must have been hurt and bad.

I tried to look around to see if there was any way for me and Nat to get somewhere safe but I came up empty handed.

I got on my hands and knees and crawled over to where Nat was.

I could see that she had been shot in her right thigh, left shoulder and in the gut which was bleeding badly.

Her hands were on the shot to her gut, she was still breathing but seemed to be passed out due to the bloodloss.

Bullets were still flying everywhere.

I felt a cold piercing pain in my back.

My best guess was that I had been shot, ether that or the Hulk thought it would have been a kind gesture to shove an icicle in my back, which I highly doubt.

Three more shots ended up in my flesh.

Next thing I knew the whole world just went black.

That was it.

I was sure.

I was dying.

No, I was dead.

Yes, I Alexa Stark was dead.

My dad was going to kill me for dying on him when he was out of country.

This was it.

I was dead.

The end.




Sorry about that just thought that I should give you something. I know not what you were looking for, but it was fun right ;)

Yeah anyway, so sorry I've just been having REALLY bad writer's block. But I hope to have a real chapter up soon!

As for the gif attached. (I was staring at it for 10 mins longer then I should have.) Enjoy!

And HAPPY EASTER!!! Hope you have a good one!

{{{Why do I have over 200 reads on this I never thought I'd even get 10 what even}}}

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