Chapter six

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So let's back up a bit. To this morning before I came to school.

I got out of bed and made my way to the shower. When I got out I wrapped a towel around myself, and went to get my clothes.

I grabbed a white loose tee and some ripped jeans. I went to grab a plaid shirt to go over it, but didn't know which one.

"Friday?" I asked.


"Which one, blue or the green?"

"You are asking me to choose for you?"

"Yes. Now tell me, blue or green?"


"Thank you, Friday."

"You know if you wanted, you could wear most of your suit under your clothes. It would save you a few minutes after you get back from school to training. Seeing as you and your student both come from the same school. The less time it takes you, the better."

"Thanks, Friday. I'll try that."

"No problem Mis Stark."

"How many times do I have to tell you. Don't call me that."

"I'm sorry. It's in my programming."


"Have a great day at school."

So I did as suggested and put on most of my suit. All but the gloves, shoes and belts. The earrings I put on because they look normal, and I could just turn them on when I get back home. The belts I don't even wear for training, so I did not have to worry about those. And the gloves would look just a little weird. Meaning all I would have to do is take off my normal clothes, change shoes, put on my gloves, and turn on my earings.

I grabbed my vans and put them on before going down to eat.

Back to now, where I was sitting next to Sam in the gym at school, waiting to go to our next class so we can all go home. But first we all had to hear what Flash had to say.

"Okay, okay." Flash stood up from where he was sitting, and made his way down to the center of the gym. "I'll tell you. But first, do any of you have a guess on who she is?"

"Is it Michelle?" One guy yelled out.

"No. But good guess," Flash replied.

"How is that even a good guess?" MJ yelled.

"Because you're weird. Now, anyone else?" Flash waited for a response but got none. "No one, okay. Well let me tell you then. It's... Alexa." There was a few gasps as all eyes landed on me. "Yes. That's right, the new girl."

I scoffed. "Where in all Thor's sanity did you get that Hella idea?" I was awake most of the time these past few nights preparing for this. I managed to make myself seem like this was an absurd idea, but I didn't get my language under control. Most people don't talk like that. "What makes you think that me, of all people would be the daughter of The Tony Stark? Me. The girl who lives on the bottom floor of a small apartment in downtown Brooklyn." I had my cover story all ready, I knew it inside and out. I had an answer to every question. "Me. The girl who comes to school by a taxi with only a bit of money left in her pocket. Me. The girl who's mother died in childbirth. And who's dad has been an alcoholic, who is too busy with his work to care about me, ever sense." I was standing up at this point. "So yeah, go ahead and call me the daughter of Tony Stark, 'cause I wish it was true. My life would be so much better if you were right. But you're not." I stood there standing waiting for someone to say something anything at all.

"Then tell me," Flash spoke up. "How do you get the money to ride a taxi, not once but twice daily from Brooklyn to Queens? How is it that you can hop from one school to the next? Why do you even have hop schools? What job is it that your dad can do if he is drunk all the time?"

"My dads job pays well enough for us to get by as we are. I hop from school to school because I get involved in fights I shouldn't. And my dad works as a mechanic." I step down to where I'm on the floor of the gym in front of where I was sitting. I still have not looked at anyone's face. Not Sam, not MJ, not Ned, I was scared to look at Peter's face, for some reason I don't know. Maybe because he works at Stark industries. Yeah, probably that. I have only looked at one persons face and that is Flash's. I know not the best face to be looking at, but he was the one I was talking to.

"How about your last name then? I know Smith is just a cover name. What's your real last name?" Flash smirked thinking he found the one thing I hadn't planned for. But he was wrong.

"Smith is- was my mother's last name," I say calmly as compared to my outburst before. "My mom and dad never got married. I choose to go by my mother's last name rather than my dads name which is the name that is on my birth record. Because he was the one there for me."

"Then what is your dad's last name?" Flash asked again.

I took a couple steps towards him. "Lang. His last name is Lang."

Scott was going to kill me, but I had to say something that would sound legit.

"Okay. How about Malibu? You said you grew up in Malibu. Guess who else used to live in Malibu?" He still thought he had me pinned.

"Yes. Believe me, I know Tony Stark used to live in Malibu. In fact the same time I did. And you know what? My home was destroyed because of him. So when my dad got a job offer here he took it." I was now standing right in front of him. And I was so done with him at this point. Now I was just mad. And I was pretty sure I was going to get kicked out, for something I was probably about to do soon.

"And Tony Stark also just so happened to have moved here too?" Flash just would not give up.

"Yes," I said with gritted teeth.

"I. don't. buy it," he said lowly.

I spread my feet apart, and got ready to punch him. Just like how I had with all the other jerks in my past schools. "You don't have to. It's the truth." I pulled my arm back, and right before I was about to thrust it forward I heard a voice.

"Alexa, stop!" Rang out Peter's voice in the now quiet gym.

I looked over at him. Over my right arm that was still in the air. He was standing. I looked at my arm. The sleeve of my button up shirt was pulled up a bit, enough to see the sleeve of my suit. I saw Peter start to walk towards me. And before he could get to me and stop me. With my still raised fist, I punched Flash. He fell to the floor holding his jaw. I was still looking at Peter. I kinda wanted to thank him. If he had not stopped me when he did, I would have done some real damage to Flash's face. I had forgotten that I was wearing my suit.

When Peter reached me, with Flash on the floor. And me still looking at Peter. He grabbed my wrist and looked down at it, before looking back at my face. He uttered one single word.

"Shadow," he whispered only loud enough for me to hear. He then let go of my wrist, and walked to the doors of the gym.



So truth be told I had this ready on Wednesday but I said I was going to put it up on Saturday or Sunday. And I had just updated last Saturday and I didn't want to put them up that close together so I just waited.
This chapter was so easy to write cuz I had it planned I knew how I wanted it to go. But after this next chapter I'm so lost I never really planned that far before I started to write this story.
So if any of you have an idea as for what you would like me to do with this story plz don't be shy to tell me I would love to hear any and all ideas you guys might have.
And hopefully I will have the next chapter up by the next weekend.

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