Chapter eleven

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Loki Laufeyson Odinson, god of mischief and the bane of my existence.

Yes, it was Loki that stood next to Thor. Thor who was trying to tell Clint that if he could see everything such as Heimdall. Clint could shoot an arrow at the president without getting caught.

They noticed that I came in, and was standing there staring at him. Everyone but Thor of course could feel the tension.

"Ah, Alex you have come home," Thor greeted me.

I didn't say anything and stormed past them up to my room. I heard Thor call after me but I didn't stop till I was in my room, safe.

Nat soon knocked on my door and entered. I looked up at her as she sat on my bed beside me.

"How can you all stand him being here?" I asked her.

"He's Thor's brother," she started.

"Adopted brother," I corrected her.

"Thor loves him, and we all love Thor. We can't just kick him out-"

"Yes we can," I interrupted her.

"No, we can't. Look Loki is not that bad. Sure he has had his bad times, but it's not like he is always trying to kill everyone. Just listen to his case."

I shook my head. "I can't. Everytime I look at him I see the one that started it all, the whole reason that I almost lost my dad in the first place. After Pietro, I think about it a lot more than I did before. I just can't lose another. You guys are all my family and I can't lose you guys I just can't, not again," I explained.

"I understand, I do. But you are also using him as someone to blame. You should hear what he has to say for himself. Remember Bucky tried killing us all more than once, and you love him just like the rest of us," Nat reasoned.

"Bucky was brainwashed. That's nothing like this at all."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "Just hear him out. For Thor at least."

"Fine. I'll do it for Thor, but no promises."


"So wait, you're saying that you were being mind controlled?" I was sitting on the couch opposite of Loki. He was telling me all about his side of the story, and why he was not the bad guy to be blamed.

"Yes, indeed I was. I mean as much as I have done some terrible things in the past, such as wanting to rule your world. But trying to destroy New York was not one of them. After all, why would I destroy the very place I want to rule over. No, not even the most mad would do that," Loki explained.

After I got to hear his side of the story, I found that he was nowhere near to the fault I had given him. Did I trust him now? No. But did I not blame him anymore? Yes. And we could work with that. Instead, I found that the real bad guy to blame was up in space. Some big fat purple guy by the name of Thanos. But we were safe from him.

"Wow. Just, wow. All this time I never knew. So, just to be sure. Your not bad anymore, right?"

"Well, not really. It changes from day-to-day," He replied.

"Oh, well ok. I'll just make sure not to mess with you on your bad days."

Right then my dad walked in, he gave us a weird look. "Hey, sweetie. What's going on here? Did you two finally make up, and are getting along now?"

"We're getting there. Hey, dad. I actually need to talk to you."

"We're talking right now, aren't we?"

"You know what I mean, dad."

"Yeah, yeah. Come on."

I followed him up to my room, where we could talk away from the others.

"What's up, sweetheart?" He asked me as we sat down on my bed.

"Well." I paused for a moment. "Remember the battle of New York?"

"Of course. I mean I almost died, that's hard to forget."

"That's the thing, dad. I almost lost you. And I can't help but think about that all the time. You are always out there, putting your life on the line. And I never know if one day you won't come back. Watching on the TV, you going up in space, and not knowing if you were going to make it back down. It scared the hell out of me, I had already ready lost you once, and you came back as Iron man. I had thought that now that you were a superhero, it would be fine, you would always win. And you would always come back. That's why I hated Loki, I blamed him, now I know that was wrong but..." I sighed. It felt good to finally get this all out and off my chest. "After Ultron, and losing Pietro. It's like a constant reminder that I can lose you. That I could lose all of you guys, and it scares me." A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, dearie." He pulled me into a hug.

"Wanda's been helping me." My voice cracked.

"What do you mean, Lex?" He pulled back a bit to look at me.

"She's been suppressing the memory for me. I know it's not good, but it's the only thing that works when you're not around. And on top of that, with Peter-"

"What about Parker?" He cut me off.

"I don't want him to become one of you guys. Remember when I first met Scott?"

"Yeah, you weren't too keen on him."

"Yeah, for two reasons. One, I didn't feel like we needed another member in the family. And two, I felt that if I let myself get close to him, that I could just end up losing him too. I didn't want to have to worry about him as well."

"Well, you love the guy now."

"Yeah, I do. But the same thing is happening with Peter. I started pushing him away. After I found out he was Spider-man. And then realizing that I was training him to be one of you, even though he is just a kid still. I realized I could lose him too, so I was trying to leave him before he could leave me. I just want someone like me."

"I know, Lex. But you have to understand the kid has powers, he can't be like you. I don't want to put him on the battlefield ether, but he ends up finding a way there himself. I'm just trying to protect him, and the best way to do that, is making sure he knows what he is doing out there. As one of the Avengers, he would never be going out there on his own."

"Thanks, dad. But I'm still not going to consider Peter as part of the family."

"That's fine, sweetheart. You don't have to. Now come on, we still got that project of ours to finish in the lab."

I followed my dad down to the lab. And laughed at Thor's face when I stole a pop tart from him as we passed.


I wish I could dedicate this to Stan Lee. May he rest in peace.

Wow Alexa has a lot of feelings in this chapter.

And ik ik there was no Peter in this chapter and I'm so sorry about that so this is for you.

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