Chapter ten

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Dedicated to: the-Spider-Girl

Today when I walked into school it felt a bit off. I knew Peter wouldn't want to talk to me after what happened, and I didn't see Ned or MJ.

So I did what I did in all my other schools. Walked to my locker ignoring the people around me, got the books I needed and started heading to class. But Peter had other plans.

When I closed my locker and turned around, there he was.

"Hey," Peter said awkwardly.

I sighed. "I don't want to talk about it, Peter."

"I wasn't asking you to, I get it. It's fine."

"No, Peter. It's not fine, and it shouldn't be. So just- just leave me alone." I started walking away, leaving him standing there. But I didn't make it far. I stopped, turned around and walked back to where Peter stood. "Great, now I have to talk to my dad," I muttered to myself.

"Why?" Peter asked.

I looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry," I said ignoring his question.

"It's ok."

"No, it's not. I get this way sometimes, mostly when I start letting someone get close to me. I realize that I can lose them, and my instinct is to be the one that leaves first."

"I'm not going to leave." He pulled me into a hug. "Now let's get to class before we're late."


"So it seems no one believes Flash, they all think he's nuts," Ned said sitting down with his tray next to Peter.

"Well he is, thinking I could be the daughter of a billionaire," I replied.

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure that if Tony Stark had a kid people would know. I mean you can't just keep that a secret," He replied.

After Ned said that Peter looked up at me with a knowing look. We sat there just eating for a few minutes before Flash decided to come up to us.

"You know, the whole school might think I'm wrong. But I know the truth, you are not who you say you are." Flash put his hands on the table.

"Oh, really? Where's your proof, Flash?" I asked him.

"I don't need any proof. I'm right and you know it. So just drop the act, and show the world who you really are." Flash huffed.

"Stop it, Flash. She's not lying, so why don't you just leave her alone?" Peter came to my defense.

"What do you know, Penis Parker?" Flash asked.

"I've been to her house, I've met her family. Believe me, if she's Tony Stark's Daughter than- than I'm Spider-man." Peter looked Flash right in the eye, daring him.

"You wish you were." Flash scoffed before leaving.

Ned whispered something in Peter's ear.

"Thanks, Peter." I smiled.

"No problem." He smiled back.


After school Peter and I both got into Happy's 'taxi' car, and headed to my home.

We trained for a while. Then Peter had to go home to work on a project with Ned.

I decided to go get something to eat before going to talk to my dad. But when I got into the kitchen/living space where we generally like to hangout in, I saw Cap and Bucky watching the TV. Thor talking with his mouth full of pop tarts. And Nat and Clint sitting on opposite sides of the couch, with their legs tangled in the middle.

But that's not what made me stop dead in my tracks. It was who was standing next Thor. Just seeing him made my blood begin to boil.


Hey, lovelies! So sorry this took sooooo long and that it is sooo short. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I am SORRY. (There did I say it enough?) It would have been longer but I HAD to end it there. Cliffhanger and all.

So, who do you think it is that Alexa could hate so much? Hmm.

Any other thoughts or questions?

Plz plz plz vote and comment.
I love you guys.


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