Chapter eight

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Well now that I knew who Spider-man was, there was no need to drive separately in two cars. So since Pepper was going to pick me up today, I decided to call her and tell to not come.

"Hello?" Pepper answered.

"Hey Pepper," I responded.

"Lex why are you calling, shouldn't you be in class?"

"Well I would be in class but I got out to go to the restroom. As for I'm calling, I wanted to tell you that you don't have to pick me up from school."

"How do you plan on getting home?"


"Lex, you know you can't do that."

"Yes I can. It's not like I'm gonna crawl in the trunk and spy on who he is, you know dad would kill me if I did that."

"True, but you know that Happ will never let you in that car as long as he is driving Spider-man."

"He will if I know who Spider-man is under the mask."

"Lex, please tell me you did not spy on him."

"Nope, no spying involved. And just so you know it was him who found out in the first place."

"Ok, fine. Happy will drive you this one time, but you are going to have to talk to your father about this later today."

"Thank you, Pepper. Bye." I hung up.


When school let out I stood outside the school doors waiting for Peter to come out.

"Hey," Peter said when he saw me.

"Oh, hey," I replied.

"So, this isn't weird right, with you training me and all?"

"No, it's not weird. Different, maybe. But not weird."

"Ok, good."

We walked over to the car where Happy was waiting at the wheel. Peter opened the door and let me slide in first. My guess is he didn't want to deal with Happy and not knowing why we were both getting in the back of the car.

"What's going on here?" Happy asked as I got in the car.

"Calm down Happ, it's fine, we both know each others big secrets," I said as Peter sat down next to me.

"I doubt your father is going to take that well," Happy replied.

"Well he doesn't know yet, but he will," I responded.

"I'll leave that up to you, he'll take it better coming from you," he said. "So kid, how does it feel knowing the Avengers biggest secret now?"

"Their biggest secret? Oh you mean- yeah, um I don't know, it's a little bit strange. I mean seeing as I was so close to being one of the Avengers and I wasn't in on the secret. And now that I know, like what do I do? It's kinda life changing," Peter replied.

"Just make sure you don't tell anyone, or I'll have to deal with you and whoever you tell," said Happy.

"He doesn't really like me, or anyone now doesn't he?" Peter turned to me.

"Happ? Of course he does. Happ likes everyone, especially kids. It's kinda in his name." I laughed.

"That is so not true, and you know it," Happy said.

"Yes it is. Just last week you said-"

"That means nothing." Happy cut me off.

"Well you seem to have liked kids when I was growing up."

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