Chapter five

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Because of 1000+ reads here's a chapter for you guys

The weekend came and went. I trained Spider-man on Saturday, and spent most of Sunday working on a project with my dad and Bruce.

Now it was Monday and I was getting ready for school before I went down to eat breakfast.

Once I was ready I ran down the stairs. When I got down I saw Wanda had just finished making breakfast. Nat and Clint were sitting next to each other eating. Thor looked to be engrossed in watching the news. And Sam was teasing Wanda about putting her magic in our food to make us all go loopy. Sometimes I think he's more of a kid than I am. I sat down next to Sam and grabbed some food.

"Hey, so Alex how has this school been treating you, planning on getting kicked out yet or do you like it?" Sam asked me.

"You better not be planning on getting kicked out," said Clint.

"Oh please, if anyone is doing any kicking it's her," said Nat.

"I'm not getting kicked out. I actually like this school, I mean it's still school but it's a good school, and I have friends here its nice. Plus I told you Samantha is at this school, well until she goes back to Germany, but you know I haven't seen her in years." I replied.

"Good. Now I'm pretty sure you're late so go on get out of here," said Wanda.

"K, bye guys." I grabbed my bag and headed out to the car where Happy was waiting.


"So, star wars tonight?" Ned said as we sat down.

It was now lunch and I was sitting at the normal table with Peter, Ned, and MJ.

I'm guessing that from the look on my face and also Peter's, that he knew tonight was not going to work. "Or... some other day this week?" Ned asked.

"Sorry Ned, I'm on lock down." I'm not really sure why I said that. Truth is I'm not, but tonight was still not going to work because I have to train Spider-man again. But also I didn't really know who to trust, I mean yes I trust Ned he's my friend. But you can't really be too sure who might know and who might not know. I just can't risk it.

"Really?" Asked Peter.

"Yeah, you know the parentals. Did something they didn't like and now they're punishing me." Truth is that would never happen, my dad has done just about everything so anything I do is nothing to him. And well my mother is dead, of course I view Pepper as a mother figure, but she doesn't see herself as that. So she would never even try to punish me for something I did. So basically my dad sees me as an angel and I don't really have a mother. "So now I'm on lock down until further notice. Which means I can't go anywhere, well other then school of course."

"Oh, that's sad," Peter said.

"What did you do?" MJ asked me.

"Was is something awesome," Ned asked.

"It's not really something I want to talk about right now," I replied.

"So, you regret it?" MJ said.

"No. Well it did get me on lock down, but no I don't. But also I don't want to do it again," I said.

"Must have been something really fun but really bad," said Ned.

I don't count going to school as fun. Going to this school and actually making friends, and reuniting with an old friend. Would count. Have someone know my secret and wanting to out me on it, yeah that sounds like it's bad. So I guess in a way Ned was right.

"Yeah the action was fun, but the outcome is really bad," I stated.

"How 'bout you Peter, up for some star wars tonight?" Ned asked him.

"Not tonight, you know I have the Stark internship," he replied.

"Yeah, but I thought the Stark internship was just-" Ned said before Peter cut him off.

"Yeah it is, but remember what I told you this weekend?" Peter said in a rush to cut Ned off.

"Oh yeah, you have some hot training," Ned replied.

"What?" MJ voiced my thought.

"Um yeah, I'm doing some more ah training and ah it gets really um warm in the room that I'm ah training in," Peter fumbled out.

"Okay then," I said.

After that we all went into are own little conversations. Then the bell rang soon after and we all got up and went to our next classes.


Right as we were about to head out of class to go to our second to last class of the day. A voice came on the intercom saying for all juniors and seniors to go to the gym and all their teachers to go to a room to meet.

We then headed to the gym and I sat down Sam. Peter Ned and MJ were all sitting with each other on the other side of the gym. I was sitting with Sam because she called me over before I saw the others.

Turns out we were all going to be in here for the next class period. Leaving us with one more class after they let us out of here. We being babysat by the coach who was left to be in charge of us and make sure we all stayed in here.

But part way though he had to take a restroom break. And left one of the older kids who he knew would keep things under control, in charge.

But some of the other kids had other plans for the next few minutes while the coach was gone.

So when one of the guys in our grade called Flash out. And told him to stop bragging that he knows a secret and just share it if he's going to.

And that is where my day turned upside-down.


Thank you so much for reading this book. Short chapter I know, but I had to stop it there. I know I suck at updating but it's because of you guys that I do.

p.s. I have no idea where I was going with this story, so if you have any ideas I would love to hear them.

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