(Prologue): Making Enemies

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Warning, I guess: this will have quite a few curse words here and there. Thanks for reading!

"Jungkook! That's mine!" You whined sadly, watching him lift your milk towards his cursed mouth as he sipped fervently, a triumphant smirk on his lips as he handed you back the now empty box. You shot him a glare, throwing the box back at him and watching him catch it right before it hit his forehead, which made his smirk widen and your glare deepen.

To think this man that is constantly trying to harass you was a small, shy bean when you first sat beside him in class the very same day. And he only immediately warmed up to you when your first comment towards him was a, "You seem like a Ravenclaw to me" which comically almost made him drop all the books he had been previously carrying. What a nerd.

"You should be repaying me for hanging out with your lonely ass." He threw the empty box at the trashcan a few feet away from him, which miraculously landed safely inside without you having to tell him he littered. You then realized what he said and raised a brow in his direction, ready to deny his statement until he shushed you with a finger to his lips. "Don't even try to deny it."

"I don't need your help making friends. At the end of the year you'll see how popular I'll be." You flipped your hair to the side, ignoring the way he had to hold his hand to his mouth in an attempt to hide his amused chuckles.

"So you don't need me introducing you to my friends?" You paused, your fork halfway inside your mouth as you stared at his form sitting opposite you.

You set the fork down slowly, "Introductions would be much appreciated, fellow classmate." He chuckled.

You were actually quite grateful for his presence. Despite what you said before, you weren't that confident in your socializing abilities. In your old school it just came naturally to you, but now in an unfamiliar environment where you didn't know any familiar faces, it was nerve wracking. Just knowing that you had at least one person you could call a friend comforted you.

At your old school you had quite the reputation. You made every person in school from your year and sometimes above be aware of you. You were a troublemaker; a prankster. No one was safe from your flying creativity. You only got kicked out because you maybe, just maybe gave a teacher a concussion when you covered the floor with oil, an idea that was meant for someone else. Not the brightest idea, but it was funny for a while.

You just wondered if you wanted to pursue the same kind of reputation from before. It was quite enjoyable, the adrenaline and memories you got from it. But if you were to go after that again, that means everyone you've passed by in the hallways and people you haven't even met yet were going to become victims.

Your thoughts were interrupted by someone you saw out of the corner of your eye, who turning around looked to be a guy probably from the same grade as you. He was at the entrance of the college cafeteria, waving his hand furiously in your direction, his bangs covering his eyes as he frustratingly blew them away. There weren't many people surrounding the tables you and Jungkook sat at, so you assumed he was waving at you.

You confusedly waved back, your brows furrowed, watching him almost immediately stop waving and instead look at you in confusion, that confusion slowly turning into a knowing smile as he pointed at the oblivious Jeongguk still sitting opposite you. Your face flushed in embarrassment, he wasn't waving at you.

You kick Jungkook under the table, "Ouch! What was that for?!" You ignored him, instead nodding your head towards the still smiling guy who was slowly making his way towards your table. "Oh. That's one of my friends." A bunny smile graced his features as he waved him over, you ignoring how ironic it was that he was waving only after the awkward situation he unknowingly forced upon you.

"Hey Kookie." You raised your eyebrow at the nickname while looking down at your plate of food, glancing at the guy from the corner of your eye. You can't believe you had such an awkward encounter with a guy before you even became acquainted with him. Goddammit, he's cute too. There goes your chances.

"This is Taehyung." Jungkook said suddenly, forcing you to look up at the man, who was looking down at you with his knowing smile still present as he wiggled his eyebrows, you shooting him the most menacing glare you could muster which only made his eyes glisten with amusement.

"Y/N." You said simply, breaking eye contact to look back at your food that now looked very unappetizing.

Taehyung looked down at you before darting his eyes towards Jungkook, who already knew what the older was thinking as he gave him a look that said 'don't even think about it', even though he internally knew what Taehyung was thinking in his head. He sighed, swatting his hand at the older to go away.

Taehyung ignored his gesture and looked back at you, "Well, it was very nice meeting you, Y/N!" His voice was a lot deeper than you expected, the way the words he spoke rolled off his tongue effortlessly made you become almost entranced with his voice. Damn, he could be a hella good storyteller or singer if he wanted to. Though he did sound kind of fake as he said the sentence, as if he had different intentions other than just simply trying to be friendly.

You nodded, and he took that as a goodbye as he walked away towards another table, leaving you slightly dumbfounded as you looked towards Jungkook with confusion.

He sighed, folding his arms against his chest and leaning back on his chair, "Don't trust him too much, Y/N. He's trouble with two legs." You lifted your brow and copied his actions by leaning back as well, gesturing for him to continue. "He messes with everyone in school, Y/N. He's also a bit of a playboy, but is secretly an idiot." The newly found information had a smile slowly surface on your features as you crossed your arms against your chest. He thinks he can mess with you?

Oh, game on.

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