(Extra): Unofficially Official

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So. Taehyung, right?

Yeah. Him. He's really starting to get on your nerves, and he doesn't even know it.

Like right now, for instance.

"Bye, Y/nie." He places a chaste kiss to your temple, successfully catching you off guard as he smiles bashfully, tying his shoelaces and sending you one last smile before leaving the vicinity of your dorm, and also leaving you dumbfounded.

You have an odd, confusing mix of fluttering butterflies and stinging bees buzzing around in your stomach, leaving you conflicted with your thoughts as you simply groan and collapse onto the couch. You flail your limbs wildly for a few seconds, a pout ever so present on your lips as you huff to yourself. You think back to the kiss, a goofy grin slowly surfacing on your features as you bury your face in your hands, before the familiar feeling of anger outweighed your giddiness as the pout replaced your smile once again.

Taehyung might be affectionate, but he hasn't confessed, not even once.

You're conflicted about it, rightfully so. You don't know whether you should hold his hand when you're both walking through the streets, you don't know whether you should kiss him when his face is so temptingly close, you don't know whether you should take his small acts of affection to heart.

You've kissed, you've hugged, you've cuddled, but does it even mean anything?

You grumble when you keep continuously feeling your phone vibrate, annoying you nonstop as you inwardly throw it across the room. You pick your phone up lethargically, squinting at the screen as the caller slowly processed in your mind, the arm that isn't propped up to keep the phone to your ear straightening like a board, driving you off the couch, the comfort of the cushions being replaced by the cold floor but your heart is too busy being set on going into overdrive to notice the change.

"Hi, Y/n!" He grins on the other side, his deep yet somewhat boyish voice sending waves of homely familiarity through your veins as you unintentionally yet completely intentionally smile at the mere thought of him.

"Hey, Tae." You could only hope he couldn't hear your giddiness through the phone.

"Sup!" He continued, giggling like a shy school girl that couldn't quite get herself to talk to her crush. God- You had seen him only a few minutes ago, so why did it feel like an eternity has passed already?

"Yeah, yeah, what is it Tae?" You couldn't quite get yourself to sound annoyed like you wanted to.

"Well," He starts, pausing for dramatic effect, "I have come to rescue you from your boredom."

"Oh, please, I know it's the opposite, don't even try to lie to me."

He releases a breath on the other side, "...well, dammit." You only snort in response. Your amusement is short lived, though, as Taehyung continues with a blunt, abrupt, unexpected- "I miss you."

Your cheeks heat up into a million shades of red, your mind struggling to conjure up an answer at the short yet heartwarming statement.

"I.." You start, Taehyung- that bastard- enjoying every second of your flustered state, "I literally saw you a few minutes ago."

"It's too long!" He sighs in exaggerate desolation, your lips twitching into a smile as he continues to pretend to cry from the other side of the phone line, "How dare you leave me like this, you... you monster!"

You giggle, "You're the one that left, dummy."

"Psh, we were supposed to disregard that fact." You laugh, and Taehyung only smiles to himself and pretends like he doesn't care much for the sound, or the way it could oh so easily lure him to sleep. "The guys let you stay, so come over."

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