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You laid there, dumbfounded for a few seconds. Or rather, minutes. Or was it hours? You weren't sure, but soon enough your legs started to feel numb as the man snuggled further into your stomach, practically cuddling your poor, uncomfortable form as he let out a content sigh, as you simply groaned in response.

"I've had enough, get off dumbass!" You try to peel his arms off of you to no avail, huffing in exhaustion as you collapsed back onto the ground, groaning again once your head hit the hard wooden floor. The best way to get out of this was to wake the male up, you conclude, flailing your limbs around in a desperate attempt to awaken the practically dead man. You let out a sharp gasp once you feel him stir in his sleep, mumbling almost incoherent words,

"Jieun, five more minutes.. Wait, or were you Jisoo? Whatever, just stop, whoever you are.. Damn, you're hella comfortable though."

"Get. The hell. Off." You spoke in a stern, threatening tone before flailing your legs wildly, somehow managing to kick his shin as he untangled his arms from around you to grip onto his leg. You scrambled away from him until you hit the wall, gripping onto a small table and hoisting yourself up as you contemplating what to do next.

"Taehyung, spider!" You pointed to the corner of the room as he suddenly scrambled upwards, hurriedly slamming open the door and running out before you could even blink. Afraid of spiders: noted.

You glance back at the girl on the bed, expecting to grimace at her barely clothed form as you did before, blinking in surprise to see her tucked neatly underneath the covers, sleeping soundly. Oh, how you wish you could be in her position at home. Though how did she move so much without you noticing?

Your thoughts are interrupted by a loud crash that was somehow heard over the still booming music, a loud, irritatingly familiar voice letting out an excited cheer shortly after. You groan, remembering that the man was still drunk.

You approach the door that was still slightly ajar from Taehyung's exit, hastily opening it and immediately being greeted with the noisy people that were supposed to be almost full-fledged adults. You push people out of the way to approach the source of the noise, only to find an exasperated Jungkook trying to pull back a barely conscious Taehyung.

"What happened?" You shake the youngest's shoulder, screaming over the loud music and voices as he only sent you a quick glance in return before continuing to try to stop his hyung, and you quickly became worried for the person that had to clean the fancy carpeting when it possibly gets vomit all over it.

He shakes his head, moving the disoriented Taehyung away from him with ease as the older suddenly pulled out his wallet, shoving it into the hands of a person that appeared to be the 'leader' of a random group of guys, "Here, my man, buy.. whatever you want with it!"

You quickly grab the wallet out of the guy's hand before he could wrap his head around what happened, sighing in relief once you realize that you and Jungkook are most likely the only sober ones in this entire party. You turn around and hit Taehyung in the head with his own wallet, "Are you crazy?! You can't just throw money away like that!"

You're almost completely thrown off-guard at the sudden saddened expression on his face, "How else am I going to make friends, if not with money?"

Your angered state deflates. The guy is drunk. You know that, you know he's most likely doing this because of it, and dammit, you know he won't remember this, but you couldn't help but soften at the sight of the usual cheerful, cocky Taehyung suddenly having a dejected expression. Contradicting his words would be useless in the state he's in, so you decide to try to console him instead. You pull his cheeks so that his lips curl into a smile, smiling yourself despite the uncomfortable surroundings, "C'mon, don't say that. A smile looks better on you, so be happy so that you can smile more, okay?"

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