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You wake up in a daze, the sunlight filtering through the blinds as you stirred in your position, rubbing your eyes in an attempt to rid them of sleep. Maybe it was something about the peaceful silence, the curtains swaying ever so slightly from the crevices of the open window, or the remarkably comfortable position you were in, but you determined that you probably won't be waking up any time soon; sheer exhaustion mixed with bliss encasing your form as you groaned, reminding yourself that it was probably way past the time a decent, organized person should wake up.

It doesn't quite help when you feel fingertips smoothly running up and down your back, your body subconsciously relaxing further into the pillow as you hummed, nuzzling your face into the soft, surprisingly smooth yet unsurprisingly disheveled hair of Taehyung. You run a hand through his locks in an attempt to brush it, the male unintentionally yet completely intentionally leaning into your touch as you mindlessly continued your ministrations.

A deep chuckle resonated throughout the cream colored walls, his naturally baritone voice mixed with the rasp and hoarseness from the lack of sleep breaking you out of your reverie, making a chill run down your spine as you only then realized- "Holy fuck, you're Taehyung, I'm in your bed, and it's already noon."

Your eyes widened in sheer horror at your current position, quickly scrambling upwards as you pushed the male aside, making him plop backwards as he whined for your return, your mind screaming profanities but the tinge of vermilion on your cheeks indicating otherwise.

"Ooh, time for breakfast?" He mutters to himself, sitting upwards as he crosses his legs on the bed, absentmindedly scratching his chest with the laughable coverage of a large sweater, his actions lazy as he blinked slowly, and you couldn't help but snort at the sight of his hair unkempt and sticking out in all directions possible.

You scoff, "Really- why do I put up with you.." You speed walk out of his room before he could utter another word. Though, of course, there was no way of ignoring the loud "Because you love me!" you heard from behind the closed door, cheeks flushing a deeper red as you hurried to take refuge in the kitchen from the very cause of your flustered expression.

Taehyung trudges into the kitchen just as you fish around the drawers for some utensils, not surprised in the slightest when you see the drawer filled with nothing but forks. Again.

"Goddammit- Clean the damn dishes, you shameless twat!"


"Taehyung, this is the second time you've cried over Moana."

He sniffles, clutching your sweater's sleeve, "But, it's so.. happy! And then sad!" Then again, you weren't surprised when you realized that he had memorized nearly every lyric from this movie, singing along even louder than the television's current volume that was nearly loud enough to completely erase the sounds of the outside world, but apparently not enough to stop him from screeching the words with surprisingly smooth vocals.

"I think you're exaggerating a bit-"

"Wait, wait, this is the good part!" There it is again, the deep vocals of the male beside you, the close proximity not helping your situation as you indulged yourself in the sound of his mellifluous voice that somehow managed to make the television become white noise to your ears; simply focusing on the words that spilled from the boy that still held onto your sleeve with a loose grip, but you didn't have the will to push him away.

"You have a nice voice, Tae." You mutter, more to yourself than to the man, but his attention was instantly on you as soon as the words manage to escape your mouth. You gasp, slapping your palm over your mouth with a childish hope that you had only imagined the event, but it was too late.

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