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He strode away with his hands in his pockets, sitting down at the table with his other friends as they lazily greeted him non simultaneously, him smiling in response as he slid on an available spot, "Her name's Y/N." Is all he said, watching their previous conversation die down as they observed the small smirk he had plastered on his face.

"So?" A raspy voice asked with a hint of annoyance as if he had been through this conversation more than once. Which he, in fact, had, as have the rest of the guys sitting down that were not at all interested in what the second youngest of the group had to say.

"So, what should I do this time?" He grinned, ignoring the way the others groaned at the thought of what he implied. He propped his elbow on the table and placed his chin on his hand, the endless possibilities running through his mind.

His first ever prank was in middle school, and surprisingly it was only an accident. But he had such an adrenaline rush that made him grow into a man with a taste for trouble. The bad kind.

His thoughts somehow led him to think of his previous encounter with you, the way you confusedly waved back at him even though his wave was intended for Jungkook. It was quite cute if he had to be honest, the way your brows furrowed and your eyes darted towards him and Jungkook, or the way you blushed in embarrassment afterwards.

"I should have become friends with her so I could sit with Jungkookie to not hear this conversation." the third youngest whined, stretching his hand out in the direction of the maknae's table.

"You love me." Taehyung said smugly, crossing his leg over the other as he stared at the cafeteria's ceiling in thought. An idea popped in his head, his mischievous grin widening as he suddenly slammed his hands on the table to alert the rest, "Okay, so how about-"

"No." They all chorused, silencing him, his grin morphing into a pout as he slid down in his seat defeatedly, "You guys are no fun."

Jungkook suddenly appeared beside the table, "I'm gonna walk Y/N to her biology class," he started, pointing at your form slouched slightly on your seat, "See you guys later!" He waved and walked back towards you, the others watching from their seats.

"Who knew that being a nerd could bring people together." Hoseok said, clutching his chest where his heart is located dramatically.

"Oh, I have class with her." Jimin commented, Taehyung whining about how he had history class as he, as well as the rest, started collecting their things before saying their goodbyes and walking separately towards their own classes.

Meanwhile, you were walking with Jungkook to your class, having a normal conversation until the bell rang signalling the start of class. "Shit," Jungkook said, pausing his steps and turning towards you hastily, "sorry Y/N, you're on your own!" He turned on his heels and sped towards his own class, leaving you dumbfounded behind him as he looked back at you only to say, "It's down the hall to the left!" Which didn't really help his situation at all. Damn traitor.

You hurried towards your class, following his instructions and sliding open the door, peaking your head inside and seeing that, thankfully, the teacher hadn't arrived yet. You walked inside and sat at a random seat, your eyes connecting with another familiar set of orbs staring at you in confusion. You stared back with an equal amount of confusion, both of you confused but for different reasons.

You looked back towards the front of the class when the teacher entered, starting his class in his monotonous before saying something that caught your attention, "Turn to page 96 of your history book."

Turn to page 96 of your history book.

Turn to page 96 of your history book.

your history book.

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