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It was no surprise that you were avoiding Taehyung; nor was it a surprise that he was doing the same.

Though that proves to be significantly more difficult, considering you both live in the same household as each other, a mere wall separating you both. You twirled your pencil between your fingers, your mind immersed in anything but the homework you were supposed to be doing. You set the pencil down with a huff, telling yourself that you would continue after pouring yourself a glass of water.

You leave the comfort of your room, descending down the stairs of the house with a heavy mind and droopy eyes, so it was no wonder you nearly fell face first onto the ground when you trip over something that felt, peculiarly, like a human.

"Y-yah!" You stand up quickly, placing your hands on your hips as you pointed an accusing finger in the male's direction, who seemed to be stuck in his own world as he busied himself by staring at the ceiling, sprawled on the floor in a starfish position. "What are you doing on the floor?!"

He slowly opens his eyes, peeking at your frustrated form towering over him before blowing you a kiss, momentarily stunning you as he closed his eyes again. You shake your head to yourself, lightly kicking his side before continuing your journey towards the kitchen, patting both your flushed cheeks, That was the first time I talked to him in, what, three days? Dammit, get a hold of yourself!

You grab a glass from the cabinet before pulling open the cold sanctuary you like to call a fridge, squinting your eyes at the near lack of.. well, anything. You blink incessantly, hoping food would somehow magically appear, disappointed that the fridge managed to be considered a wasteland even though you were sure that it wasn't this empty yesterday. Though when was the last time you or Taehyung went grocery shopping? Yeah, never.

"Goddammit!" You slam the fridge's door closed, briefly panicking on whether or not you accidentally caused it any damage, before trudging towards the entrance with heavy steps, the sound of keys rattling against each other as you tried to unlock the door grabbing the attention of the male that was, previously, barely even awake on the cold, carpeted floor.

He got up lazily, blinking away sleep as his eyes adjusted to the brightness, momentarily lost before noticing your form opening the door to the outside, panicking as he hurriedly scrambled towards you, "Where're you going?"

You blink, wondering why he was suddenly talking to you. "Food." A short and vague answer, but enough for Taehyung's eyes to lighten up in excitement, gripping onto your wrist before you even had the chance to blink as he slammed the door closed behind him, waltzing towards the convenience store with a skip in his step as you only then begin to process what was happening.

"Wait, what?" He sends you a cheeky grin as a silent response, taking comfort in the way you relaxed your posture beside him, stiff shoulders relaxing as he continued gripping your wrist, not daring to go any further.

If ignoring the elephant in the room will make you continue to be like this with him, then he's willing to ignore what happened; No matter how torturous.

"Here it is!" You're brought back to the same convenience store as before, when you had caught Jimin and Jungkook skipping class. The flashing lights were still as disorienting as ever, maybe even more worn down than before, changing colors every few seconds as you were left to wonder about the quality of this particular store. At least it had good instant ramen, but since when do people go grocery shopping in convenience stores?

Taehyung tugs on your sleeve as a gesture for you to follow, to which to complied, annoyingly so. The welcoming jingling of the door alerts of your arrival as the sound echoed throughout the relatively small expanse of the store, your eyes unblinking as you watched the male's eager expression as he grabbed random snacks, tossing them into a basket. What's the point of being rich if you're just going to waste your money on things like this? You could only sigh.

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