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"Pancakes are way better than waffles!" You try to block the sound of their pathetic argument, yet somehow the more time passes, the louder and more heated it becomes. You sigh in annoyance in sync with Yoongi, who notices and you both give each other sympathetic looks from across the table. You have just silently bonded with this man.

Eventually it becomes too much for both your ears and your patience, so you gather your belongings, leaving behind the rest of your food, since it was gross anyway. You reminded yourself to follow Jungkook's example and buy things from the convenience store... That is, if you had money. The perks of being a broke college student.

You exit the college cafeteria with your head down, mumbling things to yourself- mostly curses at the boys that managed to ruin your somewhat peaceful lunch- and that's when you bump into a petite girl, who managed to fall in the process,

"Oh, I'm sorry." You offer your hand for her, to which she sends you a bright smile as she takes it, standing up within seconds,

"It's okay!" Her smile gets impossibly wider, and you couldn't help but smile back. She was pretty.

You're about to bow slightly and walk away, until she grabs your wrist and spins you back to face her, "You're Y/N L/N, right? Well, you must know who I am." You didn't. But you weren't about to break her little party. Though she must be one of those popular girls. "I'm Lee Hana! Nice to meet you!"

You nod, not sure what to say as she already knew who you were, and you're about to smile and walk away again until she stops you, "I've heard about you. Let's be friends!" You blink. A female friend? You haven't had one since you entered this school, since they mostly glare at you for hanging out with the 'cool and unapproachable Bangtan.' Who in reality were just a bunch of dorks who argue about whether or not pancakes are better than waffles, but you weren't about to break everyone's wild fantasies. At least they were right about them being handsome.

You blink, but she's still in front of you, waiting expectantly. "Um, sure?" Is all you say before she breaks into an award winning smile. She rambles a bit before you both exchange numbers, and you watch her sway her hips as she walks away. You weren't quite sure what just happened, but at least you somehow made a new friend.


"What the hell is this?" You point at your, still blank, sheet of paper, the man beside you sighing as he stopped you from viewing his own answers. He wasn't the greatest at math, but he would never admit that, obviously.

"You're an idiot."

"I don't want to hear that from a bigger idiot!" You grumble, slapping Jeongguk, who in turn inwardly smiles evilly as he lifts his hand,



It was too late, the little shit had already told on you trying to steal his answers, acting as if he were in a damn elementary school instead of college. The teacher turns and scolds you, separating your and Jeongguk's tables that were once together, and you legit looked like a loner, anime protagonist sitting by yourself beside the window.

You sighed with a pout, wishing Namjoon were here instead. He helped you with your homework once- out of the kindness of his heart, without you having to threaten him like you did with Jungkook (who didn't know much either)- and ever since, you had kissed the floor he walked on. Not literally. That would be weird.

As you're reviewing the answer you scribbled, you hear the same, annoying nagging voice of the teacher, this time directed at another student as said student sat with his legs crossed on the table. You snicker as you realize it's your enemy, Taehyung, until your expression eventually morphs into horror as you hear the teacher say the dreaded words,

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