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"What are you all doing here?" You ask as the three males barged into the comfort of your dorm, inspecting the area, some even grabbing food straight from your refrigerator as you're left to gawk in horror. You turn to Namjoon- who was previously the only male in your presence, that was supposed to be tutoring you- as he shrugs with an apologetic look,

"I only told them I was in your dorm, sorry." Jimin gasps from your couch,

"Jungkook told me that you invited us!" Said male shrugs, with chips he stole from your cabinet stuffed in his mouth as he chews fervently. You turn towards the last male, Jin, who shrugs as if saying he only tagged along. No Taehyung in sight, at least.

You groan, already realizing that no studying would be done with their presence as you close the book, thanking Namjoon for his help as he smiles in response. You set the books down and plop onto the couch beside Jimin, the sound of Jungkook chewing your chips being heard beside you. You only glare and eat the chips as well,

"Oh!" You say suddenly, alerting the other's attention, "Do any of you guys know Taehyung's dorm number?"

"He doesn't have a dorm, he lives off campus." Your eyes widened, the chip you were holding halting its course towards your mouth. That's shocking, but then again, with the expensive clothes he wears, you're not too surprised.

Jimin gives you a look, wiggling his eyebrows, "Why do you wanna know?"

You grimace, "Don't give me that look, I have to finish a damned project with him."

"Oh, he hates projects, so don't be surprised when he doesn't cooperate." Jimin says as he lays back on the couch, Jin suddenly yelling as he appears out of nowhere,

"I saw him talking to some random girl, so I think he's probably with her. I think she was a cheerleader?" You scowl, crossing your arms against your chest at the thought. You couldn't understand what they see in him, the stupid guy that has the same face as a nugget and the personality of a stick.

You click your tongue, shoving more chips in your mouth, "Whatever."


When you first entered Taehyung's house to start the project, the first thing you imagined was a busted room, messy from the inside out, clothes and trash strewn about on the floor. Turns out, you were half right.

And yet you definitely weren't imagining an elegant, fancy house, the type you would gawk at whenever you passed by. At least you got the messy part right, because you could barely walk without tripping over something.

"Somebody clean up these doritos- and toilet paper, how the hell did that even get here- UGH, Taehyung, what is your underwear doing on the living room floor?!"

The only thing you could do was scrunch your nose in disgust as you approached the male, who was busy doing anything but the project, tongue sticking out in concentration as he played Overwatch. You hated this man.

"I thought you had a date with a cheerleader?" You ask, just to grab his attention, kicking his back lightly as his eyes remained fixated on the screen,

"Nope. I didn't even accept it." Right. That didn't even matter to you.

Your gaze turns towards the unfinished project on the table before looking back at the man, "YAH, Kim Taehyung, get your lazy ass off your fancy ass floor and do this stupid ass work with me!" You lost count of the times you used 'ass' in that sentence, but at least it was enough to make the man burst out in laughter and lose his game. You grinned internally at that fact.

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