Chapter 2

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It's been two days since the zoo incident. Harry woke me up and told me to cook breakfast for the Dursleys so, I went to the kitchen and cooked bacon and eggs while Harry served them coffee.

"Go get the mail, boy," Uncle Vernon ordered Harry as he sipped his coffee.

"Yes, Uncle Vernon," Harry obeyed and went to get the mail.

As Harry went to get the mail, I swear I saw an owl flying outside the window.

I went to the window and peeked outside. The owl landed on the street sign across the street.

Owls? In broad daylight? I thought owls are nocturnal? Odd.

Harry went back to the dining room and saw him reading a letter. Wait, a letter? Who would be writing to him?

I went to his side and looked over his shoulder to see what was written. Now that I'm up close, I could see that he was actually holding two letters.

"Mr. and Ms. Potter?" I whispered in his ear. I noticed Dudley looking at us with wide eyes but before I figured out what he was about to do, he snatched the letters out if Harry's hands.

"Dad, look!" Dudley exclaimed and ran to his father, almost tripping in the process. "Harry and Hailey's got a letter!"

"Hey, give it back! It's ours!" Harry and I demanded as we tried to snatch back the letters.

"Yours?" Uncle Vernon asked in mock disbelief. "Who'd be writing to you?" He looked at the letter and saw the name in front of the letter. His eyes went wide and looked at his wife beside him.

He looked back at Harry and I suspiciously. I noticed Harry gulp and looking nervous.

After breakfast, we went to our room in cupboard.

"Who's the letter from?" I asked as he was changing his shirt.

"I don't know," Harry confessed while playing with his toy soldiers. "But there was a logo or something near the wax seal. It said 'Hogwarts'."

"Hogwarts?" I asked my twin. "Why does that sound familiar?"

"You've heard about it?" he stopped playing with his toys and looked at me.

"I don't know, exactly. It just sounded familiar," I shrugged.

Harry and I sighed and I lied down while Harry was fidgeting with his toy soldiers.

Hey guys!!! I know it's short but not to worry. I'll be posting another chapter maybe... in an hour or so? So read on my fellow potterheads!!!

Hailey Potter-Harry Potter's Twin Sister: Book 1-  The Sorcerer's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now