Chapter 15

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After the Transfiguration class, Harry, Ron and I walked together to the Potions classroom to make sure they don't get lost again.

          When we got inside the classroom, a strong scent drifted into my nose. It smelled of hot chocolate and fresh-baked brownies, hamburgers on the grill, wildflowers and a stench like something has died.

          The classroom has tables with cauldrons sitting on top of them, smoke coming out in each of them.

          It must be where the smell is coming from.

          I saw Hermione in one of the tables as she waved at me.

          Harry, Ron and I sat on the seats that Hermione had saved us.

          A few seconds later, the classroom door banged open and came in the professor.

          Professor Snape.

          I was trying to hide it but I was looking forward to this class.

          I wanted to know more about this certain professor and why he looks so familiar.

          "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class," he said as soon as he walked in the classroom. "As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making."

          He scanned the classroom as he talked and his cold stare landed on me twice.

          Some students, whimpered under his gaze but I didn't.

          "However, for those select few..." he said as he turned to Malfoy sitting in the front row. "... who possess the predisposition..."

          He folded his arms and continued talking. "I can teach you how to bewitch the mind... and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death.

          "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough... to not pay attention!"

          I thought he was looking at me but when I turned to my brother beside me, he was indeed not paying attention.

          I jabbed my elbow at his stomach.

          He looked at me with questioning eyes as he caressed his stomach.

          I pursed my lips and motioned for him to stop doing what he's doing and listen to the professor.

          He looked at Snape and when he saw that Snape was glaring at him, he put down his quill and returned his attention to him.

          "Mr. and Ms. Potter," Professor Snape said as he unfolded his arms and walked across the classroom. "Our new celebrities. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

          Hermione suddenly raised her hand beside me and looked at Snape expectantly.

          Harry shook his head.

          I was about to shake my head no, too, but my mind seems on working on its own, thinking about any possible answers.

          As Snape keeps on asking Harry other questions and Hermione keeps on raising her hand to answer, I kept on thinking about Snape's first question.

          "Pity," Snape said as Harry was unable to answer all of his questions. "Clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, Mr. Potter?"

          "It's Victorian Flower Language!" I blurted out as soon as my mind has made up its... mind.

          All of the students turned their attention to me again just like when I accidentally said that McGonagall was an Animagus.

          "I beg your pardon, Ms. Potter?" Snape said as he turned his dark eyes to look at me.

          I didn't know how I came to an answer when I didn't even know where it came from.

          I took a deep breath and mustered all my courage and answered Snape's question.

          "Your first question," I started as I looked into his eyes. "It's Victorian Flower Language."

          "And how did you come into that conclusion, Ms. Potter?"

          "Asphodel and wormwood are both kinds of flowers. Asphodel is a type of lily which means, 'my regrets follow you to the grave' and wormwood means 'absence' and also typically symbolized bitter sorrow. If you combined them, it would translate to 'I bitterly regret—"

          "Enough," Snape said as he cut me off. "See me after class, Ms. Potter."

          I sighed and said, "Yes, sir."

          "How did you know those things?" Ron and Harry leaned in to me as Snape was writing a recipe for a potion on the board.

          "Honestly, I don't know," I admitted. "It's like my mind and mouth are working on their own."

          "I wonder," Ron said thoughtfully. "Could that be the rare talent that the Sorting Hat was talking about?"

          "I don't know," I said as I looked back at Snape.

          "If it is, that would be wicked," Ron said with a faraway look. "You could be the brightest witch of your age."

          "You alright, Hailey?" Harry asked as he saw my gloomy expression.

          "I want to know where these things come from. How I knew them. I want to remember."


I know it's short but it's double chapter day so... read on fellow potterhead.

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