Chapter 16

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"You gonna be alright?" Harry asked me as he made his way to the door, worry etched in his face.

          "I'll be fine, Harry," I said, trying to reassure my brother.

          "We'll wait for you outside," Harry said as he gestured to Ron beside him.

          "No, it's fine. You two go on ahead to your next class."

          "You sure?"


          "Alright," Harry said as they made their way outside the door.

          Ron turned back and gave me a worried look. "Don't die," he whispered.

          I laughed at his funny way if being worried. "I'll try not to."

          After I watched my brother and my friend walk away and disappear into the distance, I walked towards Snape who was waiting for me in front of the board.

          "You asked to see me, sir," I said as I stopped in front of him, our eyes locked in each other.

          I noticed that most students couldn't look Snape in the eyes. They would rather look anywhere than look Snape directly into his cold, dark eyes.

          As I look deeper into his eyes, I noticed that his eyes are like a pool, so deep that when I dive in, I fear that I may never surface for air. A pool where he hides all his secrets.

          "How did you know?" Snape said as he broke the growing silence.

          "Huh?" was my brilliant answer. I was still mesmerized by his eyes. They do look awfully like Sev's eyes.

          "How did you know it was Victorian Flower Language?" Snape said impatiently.

          "I don't know," I said as I lowered my head. "I just... know."

          "You just know?" he asked me in a cold voice.

          I can feel my head burning from his stare.

          I looked back at him with determination in my eyes.

          "You knew mum, didn't you?" I asked him.

          He didn't let it show but I saw the surprise in his eyes. His dark eyes where he hides all his emotions.

          "Everybody knows your mother," Snape said as he turned his back to me.

          "No," I said, feeling convinced. "You knew her. Like really knew her. As if you two were close."

          "I don't know what you're talking about," Snape said as he looked back to me.

          "Don't pretend!" I exclaimed. "'I bitterly regret Lily's death'. The very first words you said to me and my brother. The very first words you said to us were an apology."

          I waited for Snape to say something but he remained silent. His face softening from his cold expression, bringing both sadness and affection in his eyes as he looked at me.

          "Why do you look so familiar when I have never met you before? Why do McGonagall, Hagrid or Dumbledore looks so familiar? Why do anything in this place seems familiar? How did I know what an Animagus is? Or Victorian Flower Language? I didn't know any of these things before so how did I know them now? Why does my mind seems to be working on its own?"

          I fired the questions that has been spinning inside my head ever since I stepped in this place. I have still more questions in my mind and I want all of them answered.

          "I'm not sure if I'm the right person to answer your questions," he said, his voice softer and gentler replacing his colder one.

          "That's what they all say," I said in a bitter tone. "I'm tired of people keeping secrets from me. Especially if those secrets involves my brother and I."

          "You will find out," Snape said as he walked closer to me. "At the right time."

          "And when is that, exactly?" I scoffed.

          "You'll know," he said as he put a stray strand of hair behind my ear and looked at my scar with a worried expression.

          "You can go now to your next class," he said as he turned his back to me again.

          I sighed when none of my questions was answered.

          I took my stuff and went towards the door.

          "You know," I said as I stopped halfway towards the door and looked back at Snape. He looked back at me, his eyes still filled with sadness and affection. "I think you're not as cold, dark and heartless as they think you are."

          His eyes widened in surprise at my praise.

          I take it it's not every day he gets a compliment.

          "See you around, professor," I said with a wave and then I ran off to my next class.


Harry Potter does not belong to me. J. K. Rowling does.

Hailey Potter-Harry Potter's Twin Sister: Book 1-  The Sorcerer's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now