Chapter 11

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"Who does she think she is?" Ron blurted out as soon as Hermione was out of earshot.

"Hermione Granger?" I said to Ron in a matter-of-factly way.

Ron glared at me and said, "Not helping, Hailey."

"Hey, I just thought you forgot her name," I defended myself.

"But she's right," I said to them while coaxing Sev back into sleep. "We need to change into our robes. We might be arriving any moment."

I stood up while carrying Sev and walked out of the door.

"Wait," Ron said. I turned to look back and saw that both Ron and Harry was already standing up. "Somebody needs to look after our sweets."

"You two go on first," Harry stated as he sat back down and took another pack of chocolate frogs.

"Okay," I replied as I waited for Ron outside the compartment.

"Don't let anyone take even a single piece of candy, you hear?" Ron commanded as he carried Scabbers in one hand.

"Okay, fine. Hurry up," Harry assured him as he shooed Ron out of the compartment. "And hands off my sister, you hear me?"

My eyes widened and I swear I could feel my face turn red.

"What does that suppose to mean?" Ron sputtered while turning into a deep shade of red as he got out of the compartment.

"Don't mind him," I blurted as I walked down the train and into the car where they put all our trunks. I was the one leading, mainly to hide the blush that my stupid brother caused.

I opened the door to the car where they put the trunks and started to look for mine.

I found my trunk and gently placed Sev into his cage.

He meowed in protest as he stuck his claws into my shirt.

"Don't worry," I said soothingly. "I'll come back for you, I promise."

His claws finally contracted and he let me place him in the cage.

After I put Sev into his cage, I opened my trunk and looked for my robes that we bought in Diagon Alley.

"I'll be back," I said one last time to Sev after I found my robes and then went off to find Ron.

"Bloody hell!" I screamed as I saw Ron standing right behind me with his robes in his hands. "You scared me to high heavens!"

"Sorry about that," Ron said with a lop-sided smile.

I glared at him and walked past through to find a bathroom. 

"You and your cat seemed awfully close," Ron said as if starting a small conversation. "How long have you got him?"

"I got him a month ago," I said as I opened the door to the next car.

"You must be a really good witch. Some study says that skillful witches and wizards are well-liked by animals," Ron said in amazement.

"Thank you, I guess," I said in uncertainty. Me? A skillful witch? Pfft, please.

"Look," I said, grabbing Ron's attention as I pointed to a door between two compartments. "A vacant bathroom."

"You go and change first," Ron offered as he opened the door and checked inside. "I'll stay here and keep watch."

"Thanks," I said gratefully and went inside and locked it.

The bathroom was small but you can still move around a little.

I quickly removed my clothes and changed into my robes. It comes with a uniform. I quickly changed into the top and the skirt and pulled the robes over it.

After I changed, I unlocked the door and went outside.

"Your turn," I informed Ron who was still standing outside watching the scenery go by outside the window.

"Wait for me, okay?" Ron said with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay," I replied as I walked towards the window where he stood earlier.

I waited for a few minutes, admiring the countryside, and he finally stepped out of the bathroom all dressed up in his robes.

"Let's go," I said as I walked back to the car with the trunks and we returned our clothes and returned to our compartment.

"Your turn, Harry," I said as soon as we made it back.

Ron and I bursted out laughing as Harry looked at us with his mouth full of candy. Not to mention his cheeks looked like it would burst out any moment and a bunch of candies are sticking out of his mouth.

"You... look like a... a chipmunk," I said between my laughs.

"Ha ha, very funny, Hailey," Harry said as he finally gulped down all the candy in his mouth.

Harry got out to get changed and Ron and I waited for him while we talked about random things like what Hogwarts was like.

"I don't know," he admitted as he shoved another piece of candy in his mouth. "It's my first time, but Percy, Fred and George said that the place is really, really big."

Harry showed up in the door of the compartment dressed up in his robes and with a huge smile on his face.

"Look outside," he said as he went inside the compartment.

Ron and I looked at each other and went to the window.

"We're here," I marveled as the train slowed to a stop.

I know it's short but I'm really tired. We just finished with our Broadway Music in our school and I feel sore all over. Not only we need to sing but we need to dance. All of us grade 9 have been cursing our English teacher this whole month. Trust me, some foreigners said that Filipino teachers are much stricter than the teachers in their country. That makes me want to go abroad even more. Trust me, you don't want to meet my English teacher. She's a real hard-ass.

So anyway, how are you guys? Hope you're having a better day than me.

You can leave a comment or a vote if you like. I don't really care. You know what? Scratch that. I would be grateful if you leave a vote and a comment.

(I don't own Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling does)

Peace out my fellow potterheads!!!

Hailey Potter-Harry Potter's Twin Sister: Book 1-  The Sorcerer's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now