Chapter 5

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I have never slept in a bed that soft in my entire life.

After the three of us left the Dursleys, we rode with Hagrid in his flying motorcycle with a sidecar attached to it.

We stayed in a hotel for wizards in London. Harry and I shared a room while Hagrid stayed in the room next to us. Just in case we needed him.

Harry and I immediately fell asleep as soon as our heads touched the feather-filled pillows.

Hagrid woke us up a few hours later and told us to shower and get dressed. He said that we were going to buy for some school requirements.

He gave Harry a shirt, a pair of jeans and a flannel that looks awfully big on him. Luckily, Hagrid found me a shirt, jeans and coat that fits me perfectly.

We are currently walking in the streets of London, following Hagrid wherever he goes.

"All students must be equipped with... one standard size 2 pewter cauldron, and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat or a toad." Harry and I read the paper that Hagrid gave us.

I looked at Hagrid in confusion. "Can we find all this in London?" I asked.

"If you know where to go," Hagrid whispered to us.

We walked for a few minutes before Hagrid led us to a store. The sign in the store was a bit unreadable from afar, but as we neared it, it became clearer. The sign said 'The Leaky Cauldron'.

Hagrid opened up the door and let us in first. I looked around the place as Hagrid closed the door behind us.

I took Harry's hand as I saw some unfriendly looking people sitting around a table with an old-fashioned beer mugs in their hands.

It's a pub. No, not only a pub. It's like a combination of a pub, a restaurant and a motel.

I saw some people talking and eating around a long table filled with every food you can imagine.

I held Harry's arm as Hagrid held our shoulders and lead us around the crowd.

As we walked, I saw some people in an old-fashioned clothes as if they were plucked out from a black and white movie from the early 1900s.

"Ah, Hagrid!" A man from behind a counter called out. He was in his late 60s, I assume. I think he was a bartender. "The usual, I presume?"

"No thanks, Tom," Hagrid answered as I looked at the glowing drink the old bartender served to a woman with a witch's hat. "I'm on official Hogwarts business. Just helping young Harry and Hailey here but their school supplies." Hagrid said as he patted our shoulders.

The old man's eyes widened as he heard our names. "Bless my soul. It's Harry and Hailey Potter!" The old bartender exclaimed.

After he announced to the whole place who we are, all noise died down in a few minutes, I swear you could hear a pin drop.

I looked around and saw that all the people were looking at us. I held Harry's arm tighter and he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

Thankfully, a man stood up, greeted and shook hands with us hence breaking the tension. Unfortunately, it became quite a rather awkward moment for me. I mean, I never knew any of these people and they talk to us like they've known us for a long time.

"Welcome back, Mr. and Ms. Potter," another man greeted us and shook our hands. A few people also came to us and welcomed us back, though, I don't really know why.

After we shook hands with a woman, a man with a cloth covering his head surprised me when he spoke so suddenly. "Harry and Hailey P-P-Potter," he stuttered. "C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you."

"Hello, professor. I didn't see you there," Hagrid said from behind us. "Harry, Hailey, this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"Oh, nice to meet you," Harry and I said at the same time as we held out our hands.

He looked at our hands warily as if it might explode any moment. "F-fearfully f-fascinating subject. N-not that you n-need it, eh, Potter?"

I only gave him an awkward smile as I lowered my hand, knowing he won't take it.

"Yes, well, must be going now. Lots to buy." Hagrid said to break the awkward moment. Which I was thankful for.

"Goodbye," Harry and I said to the professor as Hagrid pushed us toward the back door.

"See, you two? You both are famous." Hagrid said as he opened the door.

"But why are we famous, Hagrid?" Harry asked as we followed Hagrid out of the door. "All those people back there, how is it they know who we are?"

"And what kind of professor calls himself Professor Squirrel?" I asked as we stopped when a wall looked over us.

"It's Professor Quirrell, Hailey. Not Squirrel," he said to me then turned to Harry. "And I'm not sure that I'm the exact person to tell you that, Harry."

Hagrid turned to the wall and he touched a few bricks on the wall with the tip of his umbrella. Harry and I watched in wonder as the bricks moved to make some sort of entranceway.

"Welcome Hailey, Harry, to Diagon Alley." Hagrid said as Harry and I passed the archway in a trance.

"Whoa," I marveled. I don't know why wizards name places 'diagonally'. Wizards are weird in naming things. First, a professor named Squirrel and now a place named diagonally. Nothing in this place looks diagonal but I have to say, this is wicked.

Stores lined up in every side of the lane. People with different outfits walked everywhere. I watched as a group of witches exited a store selling cauldrons.

Hagrid gave us a walkthrough of the whole place like where to buy our quills and ink, or where to buy some robes.

We passed through a pet store and I saw about a dozen of owls. I even saw a bat hanging upside down on a metal stick.

"But Hagrid, how are we to pay all this? We haven't got any money." Harry pointed out. I was thinking about the same thing but I saw too distracted about the entire place to ask him.

Hagrid looked at us like we're crazy. "Well, there's your money, Harry." I looked at where Hagrid was pointing out and a three-story white building loomed over the far end where the road was split into two. "Gringotts, the wizard bank. Ain't no safer place. Except perhaps Hogwarts."

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