Chapter 8

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The next month, Hagrid woke us up and told us to get a shower and get dressed.

As usual, I woke up with Sev still snuggled in my chest. I slowly him from me and let him continue sleeping in my bed.

Harry let me have a shower first so I grabbed the fresh clothes that was laid out on my bed, courtesy of Hagrid, and went inside the bathroom.

I stripped off my clothes and turned on the shower. The warm water helped getting rid of any trace of sleep in my eyes as it hit my face.

I stepped of the shower when I was satisfied and changed into the blue shirt and black jeans that Hagrid gave me.

I wiped off the fog in the mirror and looked at my reflection. My eyes drifted into my red hair that goes past my shoulders.

Harry and I are twins but even as kids, I never saw any resemblance between Harry and me besides our eyes.

Hagrid told me that I looked a lot like mum. He told me that I got her red and wavy hair. He told me that I got her nose and lips. He told me that I got her eyes. Her forest green eyes.

He also told me that Harry looked a lot like dad, except that he got mum's eyes.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and combed my wet hair.

Eventually, my mind wandered to Hogwarts. I thought about the things that might happen when we get there. What kind of people we might meet. What kind of things they might teach us.

I sighed as I looked at my reflection one last time and went out of the bathroom.

When I got out, Harry looked away from his wand then grabbed his fresh clothes and went inside the bathroom.

I sat on my bed and played with Sev while waiting for Harry to finish.

After a few minutes, Harry went out the bathroom, his hair still dripping wet and he was dressed in his new clothes. His glasses was all fogged up, too.

"Harry," I gave him a heads up as I tossed him a towel.

He caught it in one hand and began wiping the fog from his glasses.

"Thanks," he said with a smile.

"Oh, right," he said as he turned to look at me while drying his hair. "I already thought a name for my owl."

"Care to share?" I asked as I put Sev into my lap.

"Hedwig," he said as he looked at his owl.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Not bad. The name fits her."

Harry grinned at me and sat down on his bed, taking his wand again in his hands and examined it.

Suddenly, a knock came from the door and a head popped in as it opened.

"You two ready?" Hagrid asked as he opened the door wider.

Harry and I looked at each other, both with grins plastered in our mouths.

"Ready," we exclaimed.

"Great," Hagrid smiled. "Better get your packages. I expect the train will be leaving soon."

He walked back down the hallway without bothering to close the door.

I turned back to my bed and began to stuff things that I need in a trunk.

Harry already packed his things and waited for me to finish.

His trunk was already downstairs so he helped me with mine.

I called Sev and he bounded off the bed and followed us downstairs where two trolleys were waiting for us.

Harry's trunk was already placed in one of the trolleys so I placed mine on the other one.

Harry went back up to our room to get his owl while I carried Sev and put him in the trunk.

I didn't bother to place him in his cage because I knew that he wouldn't just run off.

I waited for Harry while watching the wizards that were happily eating or drinking around a table.

I saw Hagrid talk to the old bartender while drinking something. I didn't bother to know what since it was glowing.

Harry finally made it downstairs with Hedwig and he placed the cage on top of his trunk.

Hagrid put down his drink and said his goodbyes to the bartender and walked back to us.

"Come on, you two," Hagrid beamed as he made his way to us. "The train won't be waiting for you."

I know, I know. It's short. But I'm really tired and had a long day so...
I'll try to update tomorrow if I can since it's Friday.
Anyways, how's your day? I hope your day was better than mine.
And I just want to say thank you who took their time to read this thing.

(I do not own Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling does. I only own Hailey and Sev and some OCs in future chapters.)

Peace out my fellow potterheads!!!

Hailey Potter-Harry Potter's Twin Sister: Book 1-  The Sorcerer's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now