Chapter 7

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After we got our wands, we went back to the Leaky Cauldron since Hagrid already bought our pets for us.

Hagrid bought Harry a white owl while Hagrid bought me a black cat.

As soon as we went inside the Leaky Cauldron, we sat down around a table after we set the packages aside.

As Hagrid was ordering something, I took out the cat that Hagrid bought me.

At first, he seemed scared. After a few seconds of whispering comforting words, he sniffed my hand and slowly came out of the cage. I smiled as it nuzzled its head into my hand. I took him out of his cage and nestled him into my lap. I petted him as he looked into my eyes. His dark orbs looked deeply into my forest green ones. I feel like we're getting to know each other. Like we're memorizing each other's features.

I need to pick him a name.

His ears perked up when the food that's seemingly floating in the air slowly placed themselves on the table.

I was feeding my cat a piece of meat when Hagrid interrupted the silence.

I just noticed that none of us talked a single word ever since we left the wand store.

"You all right, Harry?" Hagrid asked. "You seem very quiet."

Harry looked at me and he seemed to be hesitating about telling Hagrid about what he was thinking.

I smiled at him and gave him a reassuring nod and continued feeding my cat.

"He killed our parents didn't he?" Harry asked after a few seconds.

What Harry said made me freeze. My cat licked my hand, hungry for more food.

I looked at Hagrid, also expecting for some explanation.

"The one who gave us this?" Harry continued as he touched his scar.

I saw Hagrid freeze up as well. He almost dropped his spoon back on the bowl of soup.

"You know, Hagrid," I said as I saw him became uncomfortable about the subject. "We know you do."

Hagrid sighed in defeat and pushed his soup as if the subject made him lose his appetite.

"First, and understand this, both of you, because it's very important," Hagrid started, his voice low and deft. "Not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A few years ago... there was one wizard who went as bad as you can go. And his name was V..."

Hagrid took a deep breath and tried again. "His name was V..."

"Maybe if you wrote it down?" Harry suggested.

He shook his head and said, "No, I can't spell it."

"Alright," he said as he finally made up his mind. "Voldemort."

He said the name in a whisper, I almost didn't hear it.

"Voldemort?" Harry and I asked as we looked at each other.

I saw Hagrid panicked as we said the name and shushed us immediately.

Harry and I looked around to see if anyone was listening.

"It was dark times," Hagrid continued. "Dark times. Voldemort started to gather some followers. Brought them over to the Dark Side. Anyone that stood up to him ended up dead. Your parents fought against him. But nobody lived once he decided to kill them.

As Hagrid was telling the story, my head pounded an pain as if a hammer had gone wild inside my head. A memory tried to surface but something was weighing it down. The more I tried to remember, the more I seem to forget.

Hailey Potter-Harry Potter's Twin Sister: Book 1-  The Sorcerer's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now