S.B ↣ 21/11/76

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Liked by j.prongs, marlene.m and 2.1k others

why_so_sirius: Phew! What a long day of studying, helping underachieving Hufflepuff muggleborns, helping out in the kitchens with the house elves, singlehandedly taking down Deatheaters, helping old people cross the road as well as building houses for the homeless! All tuckered out, better get to bed now at 6pm! Phew! 😌😴

tagged: Nobody

professorminervamcgonagall: Nice try, Mr Black, but I don't believe the dung bombs were solely down to Mr Potter

j.prongs: @professorminervamcgonagall Glad to have the dynamic duo back together? 😂

professorminervamcgonagall: @j.prongs I am very pleased to have you back, that goes without saying but the last few weeks have been indredibly peaceful. I am joking, of course, we are all very pleased that you have returned

regulus.black: I know that we usually don't say much on your posts but I have personal offence against the house elves bit. When have you ever cared about house elves? Poor Kreacher is terrified of you, you treat him like dirt! I don't usually call people out but that is a blatant lie.

why_so_sirius: @regulus.black It was all a blatant lie... kind of the point...

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