The Competition

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"Oh my gosh, Rem! Check this out!" I turn my attention to my best friend, Jenna Reyes. She shoves her phone screen into my face. "BigHit Entertainment in South Korea is...LOOKING FOR A NEW 8TH MEMBER OF BTS?!" I scream. I have been a fan of BTS since their debut and it's always been my dream to become just like my idols. "This might be your chance, Remi!" Jenna says. "No way," I start, "First of all, I can't sing. Second of all, there are hundreds of thousands of BTS fans who would LOVE to be a part of their favorite K-Pop band-" Jenna cut me off, "That doesn't mean you shouldn't try! Come on, Rem! You're half American, half Korean! You speak PERFECT English AND Korean, not to mention the fact that you're GORGEOUS, too!" She yells. She pulls up a picture:

"Look at you, Remi Kim! You're beautiful, sweet, talented, caring AND an amazing candidate for the 8th BTS member!" Jenna explained

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"Look at you, Remi Kim! You're beautiful, sweet, talented, caring AND an amazing candidate for the 8th BTS member!" Jenna explained. I guess I'm not TOO bad looking. Jenna's eyes widen at the sight of her phone lighting up. "It's mi mama! Dios mio..." She answers, "Mama?" "Oh, Dios mío, Jenna, ¿dónde has estado? ¿Sabes que hora es? ¿Tienes CUALQUIER idea de cuántos problemas tienes? ¡Vete a casa ahora mismo, señorita o puedes hablar con mi CHANCLA!" I hear her mom yell at her through the phone. "Ah, si mama! I'll be home soon!" Jenna says hanging  up on her mom. "Bye, Rems! Good luck with the competition!" She says, hugging me good-bye. "Good luck with your mom!" I laugh as she walks out. She wasn't wrong about a few things. I mean, I am half American and half Korean. I speak fluent English, Spanish AND Korean... Hm, maybe I could try? But why would BigHit choose a random half-Korean girl from Los Angeles? I'll submit a video of me singing and a picture of me. I want to at least try. 

Submission E-Mail:

Name: Remi Jaeuun Kim | Age: 18 | Gender: F | Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA | Nationality/Race: Half White and Half Korean | Appearance: Light brown hair, brown eyes, pink lips | Can you speak any other languages other than your native language, and if so, what languages? : My native language is English, but I am Korean so I also speak Korean, as well as Spanish. | If you have a video submission, please submit it here: DNACoverByRemiKim.jpg | How long have you known of BTS? : 4 years | Anything else you want to say? : It would be an honor to become a part of BTS! I'm probably not that good, but I just wanted to give it a try and thank you so much for giving me and thousands of ARMYs around the world this opportunity! 사랑해!  (The picture down below is my submission picture.) ^-^ ~Love, Remi Kim

Alright, I hope that wasn't REALLY bad

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Alright, I hope that wasn't REALLY bad. I kinda hope they pick me, but there's so many talented ARMYs..I guess I've have to wait and see.


I walk downstairs to see my mother preparing dinner. "Is Appa home yet?" I asked her. "No, not yet. Can you check on your sisters, please?" She responded, adding a question at the end. "Sure!" I say as I walk over to my sister's room. "Jisoo, Jennie! You guys okay?" I ask, walking into their incredibly cluttered and chaotic room. And just as I had anticipated, the adorable pair step out of the mess. 

"Hi, eonnie!" They said

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"Hi, eonnie!" They said. "Hi, cuties! You guys okay?" I asked. "Yeah, we're okay!" Jennie says. "Good, Appa will be home soon." I tell them, and as if the universe had heard me, Appa came walking through the door. "Appa!" Both twins said simultaneously. He picked both girls up and kissed them. After putting them down, he came over to me and hugged me too. "This letter came in the mail today. It says it's for you!" He told me. I felt my heart race as I excitedly took the letter and ran up to my room. I slammed the door behind me, and placed the precious letter reading "To: Remi Kim | From: BigHit Entertainment" I opened the letter carefully, and pulled out a piece of paper reading:

Ms. Kim,

My name is Bang Si Hyuk, the CEO of BigHit Entertainment. We have received many submissions for the spot as the 8th Bangtan member, and after careful consideration and thought...we would like to tell you...

Congratulations, Ms. Kim! You were accepted as Bangtan's 8th member! Your submission video was absolutely amazing, and you are so beautiful! Perfect for a Korean idol. Your new band mates all have welcome gifts for you! The gifts should be arriving in two to three days, along with a check of money to cover flight expenses to Korea, so you'll have that time to get ready! We'll be seeing you soon! 

                                                                                                   CEO of BigHit Entertainment, Bang Si Hyuk

I stared at the letter for a solid 2 minutes until I burst into tears. Can this actually be happening? "Eomma! Appa! Yeodongsaeng! Come here!" I yell. My mom, holding Jennie, and my dad, holding Jisoo rush in. "WERE YOU ACCEPTED?!" My mom eagerly asks. "Yes!!" I respond. We jumped around and celebrated for about 10 minutes before I realized something. "Wait, the letter said I have 2 to 3 DAYS to get ready! I need to start packing!" And with that, my family left me to pack my bags that I would be taking to join BTS............
OH MY GOSH!!!!! 

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