Welcome To Korea

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I sit impatiently in an airport waiting area, constantly looking at the clock, wishing it would go faster. I get on my flight to South Korea at 3:00 AM. I look at the clock. 2:46 AM. So close. I take out my phone and start looking on some K-Pop websites. I click an article.

I'm happy that ARMYs are reacting like that

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I'm happy that ARMYs are reacting like that. I certainly don't want them to hate me. "Flight 432 to South Korea is boarding now in the East Gate" I heard in the intercom. Better get going! "Remi!" I hear someone call me. It's Jenna, who is crying and running towards me. "Good luck, okay? Don't forget me." She says in between sobs, hugging me tight. "I'll never forget you," I told her, wiping away my own tears. I walked away, pulling my hand further away until we weren't touching anymore. I waved a final goodbye, blew her a kiss, and walked into the plane.

I sat down in my seat, and prepared for the multiple-hour flight to South Korea where I would meet my idols-turned fellow members, BTS. The next thing I knew, the intercom system came on and a sweet flight attendant tapped my shoulder. "Excuse me, ma'am. So sorry to wake you, but we are landing in less than 30 minutes, and you should go freshen up and get something to eat before you get off. Just a suggestion!" She said. I appreciated her waking me up because I still had to do my makeup and get my mask on. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, then came out to do my makeup, which only took 10 minutes, as I really didn't wear that much makeup. I took out the mask Yoongi~Oppa gave me. The flight attendant came back and offered me a cup of coffee and a muffin. I gladly accepted, as I slept the whole time without eating. After I finished eating, we landed, and I walked over to the conveyor belt to get my Ryan the bear and black suitcases.

They were quite heavy, and a polite man came up and helped me. I thanked him in Korean, but he laughed and said "It's me, Remi. And I speak English. You know that." I couldn't tell who it was because he had a mask on. Is that..."Namjoon?!" He nodded, pulling his mask down to smile at me. "It's so nice to finally meet you, Remi." He said, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, and could feel his heart beat. Uuggghh ♡ After about 8 seconds we let go, and he carried my suitcases for me, while I wore my Gucci backpack that Hoseokie got me. "I see you are making good use of our gifts!" He laughed and looked me up and down. "Nice shoes, girl! Damn." He said. I laughed. "Thanks. Jungkook got them for me. I LOVE this bracelet you got me. It's so gorgeous." I responded. "Fitting for such a gorgeous girl like yourself." He said, winking playfully.

He opened the trunk of his car and put the suitcases in. Then, he opened the door for me, and I got in. "Do we have any requests?" He asked, holding up his phone that had the Spotify app open. I typed in "Cypher 4" and clicked "play". "IREUM, IREUM. SORRY BAE." I yelled as Joonie's part started. He cracked up at me yelling the lyrics in Korean and English, but was impressed by my rap skills. "So, you going to be in the Rap Line, or Vocal Line?" He asked when the song ended. "I think both. PD Bang Si Hyuk said I was good at both, so I want to try." I answered, looking at my Guedatama phone case. "That's awesome, Remi!" He said. "You know, we're all really excited that you're here. We're finally a complete family now that you're here. ♡"

I felt my eyes water as he said that. I sniffled and he looked at me. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine," I said, trying not to ruin my makeup, " that was just really sweet. Thank you, Joonie~Oppa." I said, and gave him a heart with my pointer finger and thumb. "Of course," he said, giving me a heart in return. When we got to the dorm, I saw J-Hope outside with balloons.

I got out, and he ran to me, pulling me in for a long hug

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I got out, and he ran to me, pulling me in for a long hug. "It's so nice to meet you, Remi!" He said, smiling brightly. "These are for you!" He said to me, giving me the balloons. "Thank you," I said, giving him a heart. He blushed a bit, then returned the heart with two hearts. Jungkook came outside very shyly. "The-these are f-for you, R-R-Remi," he stuttered, adorably handing me a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you, Kookie~Oppa

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"Thank you, Kookie~Oppa." I said, pulling him in for a hug. He seemed a bit caught off guard, but quickly hugged back, holding me tight. He cheekily smiled at me, and took my hand as we walked into the dorm. "WELCOME HOME, REMI!" All 7 boys shouted. There was Jimin, holding an adorable cake:

 There was Jimin, holding an adorable cake:

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I couldn't help it. I cried. "Awww...." Jin said, putting his arm over my shoulder. "Thank you guys so much for taking me in. This is the second time today that I've cried because of how sweet and generous you guys are." They all smiled and giggled proudly. We sat at the dinner table and ate cake at the dinner table. They started asking me some questions about myself:
Jungkook: Do you have any siblings?
Remi: Yes, I have 3. One older brother named JiYoung, and two twin baby sisters named Jisoo and Jennie.
J-Hope: How old are they?
Remi: JiYoung is 20 in America, and Jisoo and Jennie are 3.
Yoongi: That's a bit of a difference. *He laughs*
Remi: Yeah...but I love them.
Namjoon: Of course you do. ♡
Jimin: Were you born in America?
Remi: Yes, I was born in Los Angeles. My Appa immigrated here from Korea and my mom was born in Los Angeles.
Jimin: That's cool.
Tae: How old are you, Rem?
Remi: 18, legal adult in America.
Jungkook: Good. Because I'm 19, which also makes me legal age. *He smiles proudly*
Jin: Wait, guys! We didn't show her her room?
Namjoon: No, she just got here.
Hoseok: Then lets show her!

Hoseok picks me up and puts me on his waist as we walk to my room. I see Jungkook glare at him as he walks past. Why does he look so mad?

We finally reach my room, and Seokie puts me down. "Here it is! There's a door that connects your's and Kookie's room, too!" He says. Jungkook covers my eyes. Are you ready? "Yep!" I respond.

"One, two, three!"

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