The Truth

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[Warning! This chapter contains sexual assault! If you are uncomfortable with reading, please skip the first part.]

My head hurts.

Where am I?

I try to get up, but I'm strapped to a chair.

Who's responsible for this?


'Remi, I love you so much' I hear as a hand covers my mouth, preventing me from screaming for help. I try screaming and kicking but nothing works. I come up with another idea. I bite the predator's hand. He moans, and says, "Bite me, babe." I am so disgusted. I try to fight, but he is too strong. He apologizes, but for what- Everything goes black.

~end of flashback~

Next thing I know, I'm here.

"Hi, my love." I hear a familiar male voice in the darkness.

I immediately knew you it was.

"Manager Hyunjoon?!" I yell.

He laughs and folds his arms. "Yes, it is me," he starts, caressing my thigh, "it was I who kissed you on the plane, and it was I who brought you here. I am the only one who deserves to love you, after all."

He sounds like a maniac. His hands goes up and into my inner thigh. He's getting really close to my private area. I'm scared.

He suddenly grabs it, and I start crying in shame. I've never felt so violated in my whole life.

"Why are you crying? Don't you like it?" He says, not stopping.

"No," I manage to say through sobs, "I don't. Please stop. You're crazy."

He then stops, then grabs my butt.


I scream and cry, hoping and wishing this would stop.

He continues to grab at me, kissing my neck until there is no part of me that he hasn't touched.

He finally stops, and leaves to take care of some "business."

I at last see my chance to escape.

I scratch and pull at the ties on my arms until they are seeping crimson blood.

I untie the ties on my ankles, and feel around the dimly-lit room for a door.

I finally find one, and it worked in my favor, as it was unlocked.

I run out the door.

I run so far away that I forget how to do anything else.

I don't know where I am.

I just run.


I run a few blocks until I find an alleyway.

I crouch down, in pain and embarrassment.

I sob like I never have before, clutching my knees, as if I was protecting everything I once thought was mine and mine only.

After a while, I frantically check my pockets for my phone.

I find it, and call the first person I think of.

Namjoon POV

I can't focus.

I'm so worried about her.

She's been gone for 5 hours and no one can get a hold of her.

Finally, when we all sit down for a break, I get a call.

It's her.

I answer lighting fast.


I hear sobs on the other line.

"O-oppa," she barely makes the word out.

"Remi," I say seriously, "where are you? What happened? Are you okay?"

All I hear is sobs and cries.

"Send me the address you're at, we're coming to get you, okay?" I tell her.

"O-ok-okay," she says.

She's definitely shaking.

What happened to her?

*5 days later*

K-Pop Sensation Remi Kim Opens Up About Her Sexual Assault Attack By Her Manager In America

*to be continued*

(A/N): Hi, guys. This is a pretty short chapter, and I'm so sorry about that. I've been pretty busy, and I'm travelling right now. This chapter is a very personal experience and is based partly on what happens to girls like me and you (boys as well) all over the world. If you or someone you know is being sexually assaulted, speak up! You don't have to suffer alone! Please. Love you guys so much.

In lighter news, the album came out today, and it's more than I could have ever imagined. I love the realness and genuineness of their songs. ♡ Please vote for them on the Billboard website! See you guys on Sunday!

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