Chapter 5

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Violetpaw, unsure that she sniffed correctly, if that was even possible, sniffed the air once more. But there was still the scent of a cat..

"Hey guys.." she meowed.

They turned to her with a questioning look.

"Can you smell that?" She asked.

They lifted their head, sniffing the air.
Doefur's head came down, and her eyes went wide.

"That's another cat!" Snowfoot spoke Doefur's mind.

The fur on Ivysplash's neck started to stand, and she formed a fighting stance.

"We should tell Flowerstar, or Cloudfur." Doefur meowed.

"I will." A deep meow sounded behind them.

Spinning quickly around, ready to spring into action, the she-cats unsheathes their claws.

"Blazefang?" Ivysplash questioned, starring confusingly at the Tom. She retracted her sharp claws.

The fur on Violetpaw's neck began to stand.

What was he doing out here?

"What are you doing here?" Doefur spoke Violetpaw's mind. "I thought you were on patrol? Where are they?"

Violetpaw could tell the she-cat was suspicious about the fiery Tom, I mean, who wouldn't? To Violetpaw, Blazefang was the scariest and most suspicious cat you could meet.
Blazefang could see the worry on the young she-cat's face.

"Something wrong?" He asked, his eyes burning into her.

Violetpaw said nothing for a heartbeat. then she realized something. and glancing at snowfoot, it seems she did too.

"Are you looking for the fox that killed Stormclaw?" Violetpaw quizzed, "is that why you're over here?"

She did regret mentioning her mother's deceased brother, but why else would he be over here?
He seemed taken aback by the words that left the young apprentice's mouth.

"Uh, yes." He finally spat out. "I'm looking for it so that I may avenge him"

Ivysplash's eyes flashed with grief and gratefulness.

"I realized I never got to thank you for trying to save Stormclaw." Ivysplash meowed, "thank you."

"I truly tried" He meowed.

Violetpaw sensed that something was up. She could tell that Blazefang wasn't telling the whole truth.. the way he spoke didn't show sympathy or grief. Just.. blank. No meaning behind his words.

Returning to the camp, Violetpaw saw Brokensoul sitting alone in the shadows. Her bright yellow eyes watching the camp. Her eyes the landed on Blazefang, she glared at him. But she tore her hateful gaze from him, and stared back into Violetpaw's eyes. She held her stare for a few heartbeats, but then got up and padded to the warriors' den.
Violetpaw dropped the prey they were able to catch in the Fresh kill pile.
Her thoughts were still on Blazefang, and why he was over in the same area as Stormclaw's death. Maybe he was just looking for that fox. After all, Ivysplash trusted him.
But no matter how much she tried to say he wasn't bad, her mind told her differently.

"Violetpaw!" Violetpaw's head snapped up from her food.

The small figure of Angelpaw cane running toward her. Panting, she sat down beside her. Her flank heaved like she had been running for moons.

"Hi, Angelpaw!" Violetpaw meowed with a mouth full of food.

The she-cat nodded, still panting.

"How was training?" She managed to get out.

"Good, you?"

Angelpaw stayed quite for moment,

"It was fine," she meowed. Dropping her gaze from her friend.

"What's wrong?" Violetpaw asked, her voice laced with worry for Angelpaw.

"I don't know.." she sighed. "I mean, being a warrior sounds really fun, and I want to be able to battle and all that.." she paused, turning her gaze to the medicine den. "But I visited Rosepool today, and all of the herbs seemed so interesting! All the kind of healing combinations!" She meowed.

"You want to be a medicine cat?" Violetpaw asked, twitching her ears. She wasn't truly sure where the she-cat was going with this talk.

Angelpaw sighed once more, "I don't know.."

"Well whatever you do, you need to think about it first." A new voice snapped behind them.

What is with everyone sneaking up behind me?

They whipped around, to be met with Brokensoul. Violetpaw could see slight fear in Angelpaw's eyes.

"Don't go off talking about things you don't know." Brokensould squinted her eyes down at the calico apprentice.

"O-okay!" Angelpaw stuttered. Her fire began to twitch its way up.

Violetpaw flinched, waiting for her to be upset at Angelpaw's fear. But Brokensoul either didn't notice, or didn't care. She simply nodded, and padded off.
The interaction caught the attention of the other warriors, including the leader and medicine cat. Violetpaw's ears heated up in embarrassment from the stares.

"I-I'm going to sleep.." Violetpaw meowed to Angelpaw, who nodded and flicked her tail.

As she settled in her leaves and moss, and slowly closed her eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

A Vilot's Soul  (Warrior cats)(1st series, 1st book)(completed)(Violet series)Where stories live. Discover now