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Hello! I just want yall to know that all credit for original ideas (clans +) goes to the Erin hunter squad. But the storyline, characters, and names + go to meh.

I hope you enjoy!! (for the ones who actually are reading this)

A firey tom dashed through the forest. His blazing green eyes locked on the two intruders.
"BlazeFang! Let's just stop, we are almost in Shadowclan territory!" A grey tom appeared beside him.

"No Stormclaw! They have stolen Thunderclan prey! They must be punished!" BlazeFang hissed
He then picked up his speed, almost catching the intruders when..

"Stop!" BlazeFang was tackled to the ground.

He turned to see that Stormclaw was the one to stop him.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He hissed

"You were almost in Shadowclan territory!" He replied

BlazeFang glared at him.
"If you wouldn't have stopped me I could have caught them."

"Do you think you can't get hurt? Because if you go into Shadowclan territory you will surely die! Just because you couldn't catch two Shadowclan cats doesn't mean you failed! You should just stop being selfish and worry about what other cats are saying! Instead of just trying to do thing your self!"

BlazeFang said nothing, but glared. Stormclaw got off of BlazeFang, only to be pinned down by him.
"No one ever speaks to me like that!" BlazeFang growled.

Stormclaw knew it would be best to keep his mouth shut, as speaking his mind would not help in this situation.. but he couldn't help himself. Who else would stand up to him?

"Yeah..No one except me!" He struggled to say.

BlazeFang snapped. He scratched the warrior's face. Stormclaw screeched in pain, trying his hardest to fight back.
Although, it was useless, he could hardly see due to the blood on his face.

"What's going o-" Echofur came around the corner to find the horrifying scene.
She was supposed to be with them, but due to their speed, she couldn't catch up.. but when she did, she was met with this.
"E-Echofur! H-Help me!" Stormclaw struggled to say.

"If you come any closer, I will not hesitate to kill you too." BlazeFang growled.

Echofur was frozen with shock, she had just been named a warrior, and didn't know what exactly to do.

Stormclaw scratched BlazeFang's ear, but he returned the scratch on Stormclaw's face, once again.

Stormclaw fell down for about the third time. BlazeFang then scratched his stomach, a ear splitting screech came him. He then quickly sunk his teeth and claws deeply into his throat, finishing him off.
Stormclaw's eyes rolled into the back of his head.

Echofur stood their, eyes and mouth open wide with shock and horror. One of the most "trustful" cats, in fact... one of the cats she looked up to, murdered another cat in cold blood.

"Go back, tell them a fox attacked.." BlazeFang growled

Echofur stood there, still frozen with shock.

"I said GO!" He said a bit louder.

Echofur snapped out of it and scurried away....

Okay, well I tried. 😹
This is my first book I ever wrote. EVER. And, for the first time, I think I did ok.. but I could have done better.. tell me what you think plz!💖

A Vilot's Soul  (Warrior cats)(1st series, 1st book)(completed)(Violet series)Where stories live. Discover now