Chapter 10

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The soul of a Violet will save our clan

Then, in a heartbeat, everything went back to normal. Violetpaw glanced around the clan, seeing if they had experienced what she had. But no one seemed to notice, but they were chanting someone's name, and Violetpaw had realized she had missed the meeting.

"Minnowlight! Icefur!" The clan chanted.

Violetpaw began chanting it too.

As the cats began to leave the clearing, Violetpaw sat and thought about the mysterious words from the rose.
As her eyes scanned the camp, she noticed a tan tabby pelt watching her, her tail flicking side to side. Only did she switch her gaze from Violetpaw when a black Tom approached her.

"Hi Rosepool." He meowed.

Rosepool dipped her head in greeting.

"May I see Snowfoot?" Creekeye meowed desperately.

The old medicine stood silent for a moment,

"Yes, only for a few moments though, she needs.. her rest.." she mumbled the last part, as creekeye had already dove inside the den.

Violetpaw purred slightly, but then her mind went back to thinking about the words. She had to tell someone. It could be a message from Starclan! But it couldn't be.. Violetpaw knew that Starclan could send messages and prophecy's, but they only sent it to leaders or medicine cats.. right? But if it was, who could she trust enough to tell? Of course there was her mother and father, but they may not believe her, and there was her littermates, but they would most likely use it as gossip.

Then, as if it had seemed so easy, Violetpaw realized something.

The prophecy came from a rose. And next to that rose was a small pool of water.


Violetpaw whipped her head around to the medicine den, and Rosepool sat there, starring at the apprentice, her tail lashing back and forth impatiently.
Violetpaw padded up to her, and before she could even speak,

"Finally!" She meowed, slight humor and irritation in her voice. "I thought we'd be here forever!"

Violetpaw's face was confused,

"Come," Rosepool meowed, "I believe we have a lot to talk about."

(It sucks😂🤦🏼‍♀️)

A Vilot's Soul  (Warrior cats)(1st series, 1st book)(completed)(Violet series)Where stories live. Discover now