Chapter 15

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Violetpaw was still mourning Russetcreek, even if it had been a half moon ago.
Violetpaw missed her, although Russetcreek would often visit Violetpaw in her dreams. Warning her about a powerful enemy.

Brokensoul and Violetpaw walked carefully through the forest, not talking once. Violetpaw suddenly remembered something Russetcreek had said. Brokensoul was a half clan. Violetpaw wondered if the she-cat knew this herself, but decided she wouldn't bring it up now.
Brokensoul suddenly stopped, dropping low to the ground, followed by Violetpaw.
Brokensoul crept forward, up ahead Violetpaw saw she was hunting a mouse. As the she-cat pounced, she landed on something that was not a mouse.

"Ow!" Specklepaw mewed as Brokensoul landed on her.

Brokensoul got off,

"What are you doing?" She snapped.

"Hunting." Specklepaw grunted.

Brokensoul snorted, and padded past her.

"Cranky much.." specklepaw muttered.

"I heard that!" Brokensoul called over her shoulder.

Violetpaw's tail wrapped neatly around her paws, as she told stories to the elders. Violetpaw would now tell them about her day, or memories of Russetcreek, witch Adderflight often enjoyed.

Sometimes Violetpaw thought her and Adderflight were the only ones who cared About Russetcreek. Although it was obvious that Flowerstar was affected by her death.

Adderflight strained his ears to hear the apprentice. The elderly Tom was getting blinder and deafer by the day. But he could still properly smell and think.

"And then, I pounced!" Violetpaw meowed, jumping slightly in a pouncing movement.

Adderflight nodded, his eyes watching her almost blindly.


Violetpaw turned her head to see Stormwhisker.

"Yes?" She asked him.

"You're on patrol." He meowed, before ducking out of the den.

Violetpaw turned to Adderflight,

"I'll be back!" She mewed, following Stormwhisker.

"Be careful.." she heard him mumble.

On her way, she saw Snowfoot, who's belly was growing bigger and bigger everyday. She laid outside the nursery, sunning in the day. It felt good for now, as it was Greenleaf.

Violetpaw mewed a 'hi' as she passed.

The cats walked the riverclan border, watching for anything. The cats on this patrol, not including Violetpaw, are Shadepelt, Stormwhisker, and Bramblefoot.

The forest was filled with birds, but they seemed rather peaceful. And a small wind blew through the trees, and Violetpaw's fur.

Everything was peaceful, until a sudden mew of terror split the air.
Alarm rushed through Violetpaw, and her first instinct was to find the source of the noise. Forgetting the patrol, she darted off. Trying her hardest to locate the noise, and not trip over her own feet.

She came to a stop, finding the source of the noise.

In front of her, a fearful, raggedy, scarred brown, white and black she-cat. Next to her we're two balls of squirming fur.

A Vilot's Soul  (Warrior cats)(1st series, 1st book)(completed)(Violet series)Where stories live. Discover now