Chapter 14

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Violetpaw's eyes widened.


The dusty brown she-cat looked much younger,  and more relaxed.

"What are you doing here? Where are we?"

"I came to warn you, Violetpaw," she meowed.

Warn me?

"About What?"

"Beware a blazing dappled enemy."

A What?

Violetpaw was about to say something, but the world around her faded away.


Violetpaw's eyes shot open, and she was on her paws. Her head swung desperately around to fin the dusty brown elder. But she only saw Angelmist sorting herbs.

"Are you okay?" The she-cat asked.

Violetpaw nodded.

"Can I go out?" Violetpaw asked.

"Yes, but no patrols, or hunting. Not yet, at least." Angelmist continued to sort the herbs and flowers. "Oh, and let Rowanpaw know you're okay. I had to basically shove him out so he could start his training."

Violetpaw's ears burned with embarrassment.
She nodded and walked out the den, seeing the sun high in the sky.

She decided she would let Rowanpaw know she was okay, as she had heard about Angelmist's struggles to get the Tom out of the den.

She spotted him sitting next to Moonpaw. Both of them swung their tail anxiously from side to side.

"Hey guys!" She mewed as she padded up to them.

Both of their faces lit up, but moonpaw was the one to nuzzle her first.

"You're alright!" She meowed to her sister.

Violetpaw purred. She hadn't seen moonpaw in awhile, only when she would see her in her nest at night.

"Yes, I'm alright."

Moonpaw pulled away, then, all of her happiness went to sympathy.

"I'm sorry About Russetcreek.." Moonpaw was feeling grief too.

When she was a kit, both Violetkit and her would listen to the her stories.
Russetcreek was like their second mother. Each of the kits loved her, and Russetcreek loved them as well.
Violetpaw's eyes went from sadness, to anger.

"Whoever did that.. will pay.." though it came out as a growl, it was filled with more sadness than anger.

"Flowerstar would like to see you." Cloudfur's sudden voice frightened Violetpaw.

She turned and nodded, following the gray Tom.
In the den, Flowerstar sat in a corner, her tail viciously swinging side to side.
Cloudfur cleared his throat, grabbing the attention of the she-cat.

"Cloudfur." She meowed, "May you leave us?"

The deputy nodded, backing out of the den.

"Violetpaw, who attacked Russetcreek?" Flowerstar anxiously mewed.

Violetpaw met Flowerstar's eyes. The she-cat looked stressed, compared to all the times Violetpaw had saw her. And her eyes were full of grief. But the way she clawed the floor of the den showed that she was both anxious and angered.

"I-I don't know.." Violetpaw looked away from her leader's stare. "I think a black Tom did."

Flowerstar murmured something under her breath, and her tail swung side to side even faster.

"I know who he is.." her low growl sounded.

Then, she suddenly straightened up, and her eyes no longer had a look of stress in them.

"Thank you, Violetpaw." She meowed.

She flicked her tail, signaling Violetpaw to leave. Violetpaw dipped her head, and padded out of the den.
Violetpaw decided she would bring the elders Fresh kill. Grabbing a squirrel and a mouse, she headed to the elders' den. She immediately remembered that Russetcreek wouldn't be there, and Adderflght would also be grieving for his sister.

Padding in the den, she saw Adderflight's almost pale eyes staring at the ground. Rosepool and Sundrop next to him. She dropped the Fresh kill down, slowly walking to Adderflight.

"Violetpaw?" He asked quietly.

Rosepool turned her gaze from the grieving elder, to Violetpaw.

"Yeah, it's me.." Violetpaw's tail drooped, and her ears flattened slightly.

"My sister... she's gone..." his voice was heavy with sadness. "Do you have a story?"

Violetpaw was surprised that the elder asked her for a story.

"Oh-um.. ok.." Violetpaw sat down. "Well.. one time, when I was a kit, she visited me, and we played Warriors all day. She was a Shadowclan warrior, and I was a Thunderclan warrior." Violetpaw sighed as the memories flooded through her mind.

The thoughts of the elderly she-cat playing with her when her littermates ether didn't want to, or were doing something else, made Violetpaw feel happiness. Yet, grief and sadness were still there.

A Vilot's Soul  (Warrior cats)(1st series, 1st book)(completed)(Violet series)Where stories live. Discover now