Chapter 7

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The cats' fur stood straight up, and their eyes darted around, in search for the large creatures.

"Flowerstar needs to know!" Thornpaw squeaked.

"I'll go!" Snowfoot meowed.

Before anyone could object, she darted away.
Loud thumping was heard, and an awful smell filled the air.

"We're outnumbered!" Violetpaw meowed, fear clear in her voice.

"Not anymore." A new voice, not any voice Violetpaw had heard in Thunderclan.

Blackmist whipped around, to be met with a Riverclan patrol.

"Watch out!" The gray Riverclan she-cat warned.

Violetpaw's eyes darted back, there stood a large gray figure with a single stripe.
One of the Riverclan cats yowled something Violetpaw couldn't understand. He charged towards the badgers, the caramel colored cat and gray cat on his heels.

"You'll be ok" Blackmist meowed, noticing the apprentices' fear. "Remember your training!"

The dark she-cat launched herself at the massive creature, clawing and biting.
Whipping her head around, Violetpaw searched for her brother, but felt a sharp pain on her side. She turned quickly, yowling in pain. Violetpaw turned fast enough to see the badger hit her, hard, throwing her into a tree. Her vision was hazy, and her side ached and oozed with blood. She attempted to get to her paws, but struggled.
The badger was already upon her, it's teeth beared, and it stared at her neck. Just as Violetpaw prepared to join Starclan, two growls filled her ears.
Brokensoul and Ivysplash.
Ivysplash leaped at the badger's neck, and Brokensoul clawed it's back. Violetpaw recovered enough to stay on her paws properly. Just as her mother had done, Violetpaw leaped at it's neck. She slashed it's flesh, and the creature let out a cry of pain. She backed off, pretending to be badly injured, lifting her paw in 'pain'.
The badger, taking advantage of the supposedly injured she-cat, charged towards the apprentice. But Violetpaw was not done with this fight just yet. She dodged the attack, turning back around and jumping on the badger's back powerfully. She jumped off, as the badger was slightly distracted, she leaped to it's face, clawing it's nose and eyes.
It wailed in pain, backing away, and running. The others, noticing their friend running away in terror, tore away from the claws of the cats and ran after the other.
Violetpaw felt a rush of joy that she had helped defeat a badger.

Cries of victory and sighs of relief could be heard from the Riverclan and Thunderclan.
Ivysplash rushed to Violetpaw, examining her injuries.

"Let's get you back to Rosepool." Ivysplash meowed softy to her daughter.

Walking back to camp, after thanking the Riverclan cats, something made them stop in their tracks, and they wore horrified faces.
In front of them, a white and red mass of fur laid motionlessly on the ground.


(Yes, this is awful.. but I tried.. unedited btw😊 comment what you think/thought!💕

A Vilot's Soul  (Warrior cats)(1st series, 1st book)(completed)(Violet series)Where stories live. Discover now