Chapter One

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Ah yes time to upload a bunch of chapters from an old completed story for Haley and Delany.


Paige Ryan yawned, alarm blaring and ripping her from her dream. She rolled over and unlocked her phone, stopping the music. It was six in the morning, she had two hours. Two hours to get ready. She thought she could do it, but she'd never be as pretty as Sadie or Holly or Ashlee. That was just the way of things.


The four of them, along with several other girls, were something like the queen bees of the school. Sadie King was in change. Student body president, homecoming queen, most popular girl. She was a natural blonde with crystal blue eyes, a perfect body, everything a guy could want, really. Holly Vespen was Sadie's right hand, willowy with dark hair and beautiful gray eyes, cold and unattainable. Ashlee Mariana was all of five feet, with bleached blonde hair and chocolate eyes, the school slut and a dunce to boot.


Out of all of them, Paige was the one that didn't fit in. Her hair was chocolate brown, her eyes were green. She was good at academics, but bad at sports. She wasn't skinny like the others, nor was she as pretty. Her friends, in the kindest way possible, reminded her of this whenever possible. She was grateful, their words reminded her to wake up early, make sure she was read to be with the rest of them. And that meant cosmetics and coffee with barely any sugar because she really had to lose weight.


By seven o'clock, Paige had deemed her hair presentable. Another forty-five minutes and her makeup was done, clothing was on, and she was ready to figure out what she could eat in the day. She wasn't like Holly, who could go almost a week without so much as a bite of food and had the body to prove it. She had to be careful about what she ate, diet sodas and salads with no dressing and no dinner because she had homework to do.


Dressed in expensive jeans, designer top, perfect cardigan, complementing shoes and all the right accessories, Paige grabbed the handbag she used as a purse and stalked down the stairs. Her air, pin straight and glossy, swayed behind her. She should have felt confident, but instead she was a mess of nerves. Sadie wanted to talk to her on the drive to school, which was never any good.


“Paige, honey, did you get breakfast and lunch?” Her mother, Aspen, smiled at Paige as the teen waited by the door. Her mother, supposedly, looked just like her. The difference was the older woman loved food and cooking, to the point where she owned a small bakery in addition to her job as a math teacher at one of the public schools.


“Yeah, Mom, I had some oatmeal this morning,” Paige lied easily. Her mother smiled and nodded, flipping a pancake.


“Alright sweetie, have a good day. Your father is at the office, but he's getting home at six and we were going to have a nice family meal together. You'll join us right? You always have so much homework...”


Paige's father, Ian Ryan, was a successful psychologist, who was almost never around. Paige herself didn't know how her parents had gotten together, how they stayed that way, or even how her mother could love a man who left her on her own to raise their child.


“I'm not sure Mom, depends what happens in class. And Sadie wants to talk, I think she might want help with a party or something. And it's Jenny Teagarden's birthday soon.” Paige was spared from further conversation when Sadie and Ashlee pulled up. Holly was always last to get picked up in the mornings, she was always the second one. Sadie always drove, her car was the nicest after all.


In addition to their little foursome, the cheerleaders, lead by Jenny Teagarden, the football boys and the group of boys that were just popular. The last group was composed of Sadie's boyfriend, Derek, his best friend Jackson, Ashlee's favorite fuck Jordan and Kingsley who had been trying to get into Holly's pants since Freshman year. Everyone expected her and Jackson to hook up, but Sadie made it very clear: until Paige was up to their standards, she'd stay single.


“Paige,” Sadie nodded curtly when the brunette climbed into the car. “We're going to have a little meeting today before class, once we have Holly here.”


Paige nodded, confused. The whole car ride was silent, icy. She wondered what she had done that warrented a whole meeting before school. Nothing good, she knew. Was she still not trying hard enough? Was she still too fat? Did she say something wrong, were her answers not getting them good enough grades? She went through a million different thoughts in the ten minute drive, wondering what on earth could be going on.


Once they arrived at school, the four girls fell into their places around the table. Holly and Ashlee flanked Sadie and she was across the table. Instead of natural, it felt wrong for some reason. “Look, Paige, we like you and all but I feel like you just don't fit in with us,” Sadie started with a sickeningly sweet smile.


“I mean, it's just you're not quite on out level. You're a complete pushover, as if your looks and body weren't bad enough,” Ashlee posed to show off her own flawless body.


“But don't worry, we're gonna give you a chance to prove your worth. For six months we pretend you're out and you go befriend those freaks. Bring us back some gossip and you'll be back in and it'll all be a great joke,” Holly flipped her hair.


“But if you don't have anything good, or you just don't do it... Well, you're out of good.” Sadie finished the meeting with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Better go start figuring it out. Tata Paige.”


“To make it realistic we can't contract you or anything until it'd done,” Holly smirked, gray eyes like steel.


“But hey, maybe you'll be good enough for Jackson when this is all over...” Ashlee looked Paige up and down with cruel eyes.


The three girls left, giggling, arms linked. Paige stared after them, a frown on her face. What was she gong to do?




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